"I just wish I had an actual dick sometimes, like- I'm glad to be a womans, but man, just wish I could feel pussy like that 😔"Dena

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  1. John Vtuber👁️

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    please look forward to the Wendy's Twitter VTuber Group (dear Wendy's twitter, this is a joke, do not actually do this unless you want to burn money)
  2. John Vtuber👁️

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    another recent Grimmi vod has been uploaded to her archive channel, in which she talks for four hours and doesn't actually play World of Horror (in all fairness, the Omegaverse tangent is only the first 30 - 45 minutes of the vod, roughly- oh wait, she's back at it again): personally, I'm...
  3. John Vtuber👁️


    Horrifying news, gamers, Kirsche is currently being threatened with becoming a Kotaku Games Journalist by Stuttering Craig of Sidescrollers: Archive
  4. John Vtuber👁️

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    as a brief respite from seething chuubas and filianposting, xwitter thought it would be imperative to let everyone know Clio is a menace and must be stopped: will her EUIV tyranny end any time soon? absolutely not, but it's certainly preferable to hime's Lobotomy Corp tyranny!
  5. John Vtuber👁️

    Vidya Games Thread

    check in on your autistic loved ones (but mostly Jerry), because these next few months are going to be torture for them as they wait Factorio: Space Age, the game's first expansion is coming October 21st, $35 - so expect another round of people complaining that the developers are greedy...
  6. John Vtuber👁️

    Vidya Games Thread

    I have Digimon World on the brain for entirely unrelated reasons, so if you're disappointed that it's been nearly 10 years since the last Digimon World game (not counting Next Order re-releases), Anode Heart is the game for you - which I can now readily recommend since they're done with...
  7. John Vtuber👁️

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    this mean's we're finally getting the Pippa and Rye Haunted House Off-Collab, since we're in the season of demonic possessions, right
  8. John Vtuber👁️

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    speaking of perms, here I am, still waiting for Nintendo to give blank check streaming perms for their games - and especially Pokemon! the Pokemon VGC and TCG championships are more popular than ever, why not let chuubas ride that hype train surely, it'll happen any day now, right bros :takocope:
  9. John Vtuber👁️

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    Horrifying! ...where are his parents in all this
  10. John Vtuber👁️

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    "I will not work, and will get fired within the first week if I get a job, how could my egomaniacal father not understand this?" ...So how long until he realizes that the core issue is his unwillingness to work or change his behavior? because if he's not willing to support himself, then his...
  11. John Vtuber👁️

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    I still think a group home would only end in a violent altercation that would wind up with him living on the streets, dead within the following year. the only semblance of a good ending I see going for him, is in a proper medical institution under extensive care - but even then he runs the risk...
  12. John Vtuber👁️

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    now THIS is what peak performance looks like, let's fucking GO
  13. John Vtuber👁️

    Vidya Games Thread

    Here are some more summer sale recommendations before I dive back into my journaling - Starting off is Astlibra, which is another in a long line of examples that if a game is good, people won't even mind that it's using free/modified assets. It's the sort of game that you would have imported...
  14. John Vtuber👁️

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    we are inching closer and closer to the bloodbath that will be July keep proctor awake at all times
  15. John Vtuber👁️


    Kirsche is once again proving that Palworld is a lethal substance to anime women, where she is seriously concerned that it might get in the way of her productivity after playing it for less than 10 minutes woe be upon any chuuba that doesn't have a manager to wrangle them when 1.0 releases, and...
  16. John Vtuber👁️

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    At this point, I don’t think he would even be capable of a desk job or data entry, if 5 1/2 hours of menial chores before he gets to watch streams is too much for him. Will he one day learn that he can do work AND listen to streams in the background, as long as he can prove the work can get...
  17. John Vtuber👁️

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    what do you mean A-chan's leaving and the bossman was awake, this sucks, man best of luck to both her, and Nodoka taking up the mantle in her stead, hopefully things go up from here
  18. John Vtuber👁️

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Mozzu has been an influence on her from the very moment they became sisters and that's a good thing!
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