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  • God's Strongest Dragoon
    God's Strongest Dragoon
    @Nenelove you are not generally unknown, you're the ambassador of the Spanish rape babies
    @Nenelove I as a Degenerate Unknown of this forum disagree I see your posts pretty often and ive replied to most of them. Honestly I think your more known then Reti because at least he contains his autism to liveposting/Pippaposting.

    If I had to name the "elites" of the site You Jambalaya Reticule Rat Gigachud Thhrang Kitbash Johnny GSS Awoogers and Hff201 are all notable members and i'm probably forgetting a few and that's just normal members (ok Johnny is a Janny now shush)in comparison I expect people only know me as one of the longposters or being in-explicitly shoved into that one evangellion nolan is shinji video.
    I'd put the thhrangussy, also known as Grant and Yuni, in the Gigachud ranking.
    I know you are John Oliver’s #1 fan.
    Congrats on being the first user to break 10.000 post on the forum !! Meat Pippa is proud of you !!
    I read that Robber Barons book you talked about btw, shit is amazing. Dumbfucks really do think millionaires just keep getting lucky.
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    No brah there are money trees with golden apples and huwhite colonists just keep them away from brown people and don't share the money from the money trees, where free money just appears! Even if you gave every Predditor a hundred grand free and clear, they wouldn't turn it into more money like an Elon does, they buy Pop figures, tv sets. You can see this in practice with lotto winners. Most end up broke in a year, even if they get 8 million they will find a way to blow it all and waste it. Many such cases. Or with the Trumpbux and Bidendollars the US handed out from workers' tax money. Dipshits all whined that they couldn't pay their rent but they all had new Xboxes and apartments littered with ubereats packaging. 0% of the "stimulus" money went towards BILLS. And that brainrot scales up.
    And yeah, giant corpos are just like the people who they consist of: almost all of the hugest ones are dead and forgotten. It's funny you said Sears because people under 30 don't know what Sears is. The tallest building in the world used to be the Sears fucking Tower and now it's forgotten, remembered to be the Sears Tower by Gen X and older, and only locally. Amazon will be forgotten too one day and that day will come decades sooner than anyone expects.
    Bezos said it himself in an interview that Amazon will fail one day, he just wants to make sure it's well past him. It's also funny as Sears started as a mail order business that people would shop from home using a catalog, then grew into a retail giant, and now Amazon has been trying its best to get into retail with things like Whole Foods and their robo stores that have both mostly been a failure.

    One thing I love is when people bring up things like "oh well Bezos had a loan of $250k from his parents." or "Trump got a small loan for $1 million from his dad." Sure, it helps and would be nice to be in that position as it's a step up, but if you can be given that much money and turn it into a billion dollars, or even ten million, you should be out there talking to every bank and private lender you can to get that money then like your life depends on it because that's an insane return rate. Especially considering that debt was almost free for a long time due to interest rates being so low and even today you can still find terms that aren't terrible if get private money that believes you can get them a return down the road, just look at any start up that does a Series A or gets angel investors. It's amazing how retarded these people are.
    Yep, they are under the mentally ill illusion that everyone is equal and everyone deserves an A. That brain damage is inflicted in childhood and they just never grow up, so they think communism could work and that billionaires are just like them, not any smarter or better at business or more bold but simply the same and got lucky. Retardation.
    Wait why would Crunklord get banned on Poast? Brought here to not further derail the thread.
    For posting a nose.

    Basically Poast has a no doxing rule, and Crunklord had emote on the Kiwi Farms instance of a nose, just the nose. That nose belonged to the girlfriend or wife of Borzoi a Poast mod at the time. He threw a bitch fit and Graf put a complete ban on Crunklord for not taking down the emote. Later Borzoi and Graf had a falling out but he never unbanned Crunklord. Just stupid Internet drama.

    That's why I also moved off of Poast around that time, but I don't really use either anymore.
    Another explanation is that Crunklord allegedly bullied and mocked Graf into submission, (by pointing out that one of his associates (?) or mods(?) was an open pedophile). That was the explanation given by Josh.
    I think that was just KF members as when they joined on they took issue with lolicon being allowed and Graf said "don't look at me, it was admin/head mod who wrote the rules" so people looked into the mod (I think his name was something like Uru?) and he quit which made Graf flip out on Kiwis. Crunklord, much like Josh, originally left Poast on his own after the nose thing and called Graf a whiney bitch essentially, which is surprising as Crunklord is very polite normally, and after that he got blacklisted.

    I should add, Milk the admin of Poast has been chill though through all of this and has given shekels to Josh on stream.
    I hate now how anytime I see that cute green hair midget, I have to be reminded of your ass and the endless struggle to fix a Yabbit! :pikaufuk:

    Also, have you watch/or read the series she from?

    I know you use her a lot in your pfps and do really creative stuff with her on KF during notable Lowcow moments.
    I just had a dream where you were banned here because you wouldn't stop shilling XMR in DMs lmfao.
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