"There's nothing that pairs better than Linkin Park with a good Dragonball Z AMV"Amiya Aranha
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  • Happy Halloween Asylum!
    Thanks for the Uruka recs friend, they were a great starting point for going through her channel and I've loved everything I've heard so far. She's goddamn amazing and perfect to have in the background during work/other busy times. I'm looking forward to even more of her violin karaokes

    The only unfortunate thing is that her stream times are abysmal for me and I'll almost never catch her live lmao

    In return, have this Towa art from one of her (and my) favorite artists:

    And Isekaijoucho's newest MV. It's a beautiful, hopeful piece that also has some great violin:
    Glad you liked the recommendations and enjoy her violin streams! Definitely some of my favorite vtuber content, and I'm glad to see her getting a lot of love for these streams and her others recently. I definitely feel not being able to catch streamers live due to needing to sleep and work, lol. I have to miss a lot of my favorite streamers because of it.

    And speaking of a favorite, very nice Towa art. I can see why the artist is a favorite. Amazing level of detail in the background, and of course, Towa herself looks amazing. Going to have to give the artist a follow. Always love some good Towa content.

    And the MV is very nice too. Love her style. I've definitely become a fan of her music ever since I listened to her one song you posted last year that became my favorite of the year. Though, I haven't kept up with her recent releases, this is a good reminder that I definitely need to get on that.
    I think Uruka sometime does her music streams in the afternoon PST on weekends.
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