"The doctor suspected stomach bacteria, to figure that out he needed me to shit in a cup. So I have to go to the hospital for a bunch of stuff, but also to drop off a cup of shit. I took a bunch of laxatives that day, I drank a coffee, I drank some aloe vera juice, I ate some spinach, had some orange juice, long story short, I shat my soul out later that day. The worst part was I had to scoop the mousse au chocolat into this fucking cup. It was so moussie, and chunky. The medicine I am taking, it seems to help. The first night was still rough, but this night, I feel great. I feel very gassy. Hopefully whatever it is the medicines are working well against that, and now we just hope and preygge (Pray) that when I call on Monday they didn't find anything else that's suspicious."Shylily

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