"In normal Kirschey community fashion, we decided to find out how much fuel can a woman pump into her uterus before she blows up"Kirschey

Pippakistan's Psych Ward

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God's Strongest Emmote (Emmperially Bestowed)
Joined:  Apr 26, 2023

PIPPAPOSTING V2 : Sperging Summary

Prev. - Pages 851 - 900 - Next
SS Records: 1 - 700 | 700 - 1400

DISCLAIMER : Liveposting timestamps are approximative, they do not account for latekin, delay times, etc. Expect to go back (or forward) up to 5 mins into the VOD for text and up to 8 mins for screens and other media

🔴 Ongoing Stream: 【DRINKING STREAM】i lost

01:31 | post | "Pippa, why aren't you a functioning member of society?" "Buddy, I'm a vtuber!"
01:32 | post | The point of SSRIs is to relieve the physical effects of depression, it's not a panacea.
01:33 | post | This talk again, I'm glad she's past it Right?
01:33 | post | Not even 10 shots in. Weak!
01:33 | post | >Music turns off >I wanted to kill myself on livestream >Music turns back on.

01:36 | post | Image: Pippa I'll stop watching chuubas when you're gone.
01:36 | post | This "I wanted to join hololive" talk again.
01:39 | post | How drunk do we need to get her before she calls Rie a bitch on stream?
01:41 | post | Pippa Quote: I don't want to add to the poach begging stuff, BUT-

01:42 | post | It won't be Rosemi or Scarle that's for sure. Chikafuji Lisa mentioned.
01:43 | post | She's listing off the secret phase members again.
01:43 | post | Make a list, people. She's gonna regret this in a few... hours.
01:44 | post | If people start bother Lisa again to join Phase I will blame Pippa 100%.
01:45 | post | She bottles this shit up and liquor does seem to be the secret to getting her to actually finally get it off her chest and just vocalizing this shit can help immensely.

01:46 | post | She's minutes away from getting baited into talking about Yuri, I can feel it.
01:49 | post | Phase can only be crypto racist not openly racist.
01:50 | post | >Even though those people have acted maliciously.
01:50 | post | Coomalot mentioned.
01:50 | post | Hot damn just straight up called him Coomalot.

01:51 | post | Her "Totally Not poach-begging" consists of Natsumi, Clio, Sleepy, Lisa, Pina, PAM, Filian after a chatter mentioned her.
01:55 | post | Filian the very rare extrovert doing vtubing, the only person with balls to send DMs for collabs.
01:58 | post | >The Patriot drink is gay.
02:00 | post | Pippa Quote: It doesn't bother me if someone's a communist... just don't bring it up.
02:01 | post | Owl acknowledged.

02:01 | post | Pippa Quote: Just look at owl pictures.
02:02 | post | Image: Grey name does what a grey name does.
02:03 | post | Tweet: Seeing vtubers on twitter brings me no joy, how about Amiya ?
02:04 | post | "But some people are bad though" "I don't care."
02:04 | post | I'd rather Pippa not care if it means it makes her less stressed out overall + she's a retard.

02:08 | post | Image: New schizo in chat ?
02:08 | post | Image: "You gotta give people a chance"
02:09 | post | 2nd instance of I'm not drunk BUT.....
02:12 | post | callling out yura and the others for pippapog lmao.
02:12 | post | Tweet: PippaPog doko?

02:12 | post | Image: "Pippa, ever been stalked?" Is this even a question?
02:13 | post | No, it's a request.
02:14 | post | Image: Reject the false dichotomy. Embrace the third position.
02:16 | post | "I don't want to cultivate a fanbase that thinks everything I do is correct" Dwai pippa, we gotchu.
02:17 | post | Schizo time: Pippa wrote that Twitter thread herself to promote her favourite janny.You are probably right. Unfortunately.

02:23 | post | Paulie was a good movie.
02:27 | post | Drunk book reading would be great.
02:28 | post | I think she'd do great reading old science fiction horror. If only there existed stories that fit that genre. Maybe if there was a story about people who become animals on an island? There could be an evil doctor. Nah, forget about the whole thing.
02:28 | post | Panko mango.
02:29 | post | It feels like she should be drinking Vodka if she is going to go full Gopnik on us.

02:30 | post | Pippa Quote: I don't know how much I'd actually need to get drump- drum- drunk.
02:33 | post | Pippa Quote: I'm a 6'5" black guy.
02:33 | post | "So a baby seal walks into a club"
02:34 | post | Nigkin Nigga was real all along. Also Ripper, cute.
02:34 | post | Thank God Pippa said "not real, you guys are idiots" after announcing she is 6'5 and Black. Got real scared for a second there!

02:35 | post | >I'm not drunk >Starts singing the Ripper.
02:36 | post | She's going to dmca her own channel.
02:36 | post | She's doing this shockingly well, drunk and off the cuff. Alcohol helping.
02:38 | post | "Why do I have so many DMs?" Pippa...
02:42 | post | We need those other rants pronto.

02:42 | post | Image: Got a hard 45 degree deal going on right now!
02:44 | post | The damn dad joke.
02:47 | post | Damn good stream, kino ending. I fucking love it when my oshi sings, proud of her.
02:47 | post | Taking shots with Kirsche, gonna be so kino.

➡️ Pippa raids Airi (01:46:00)

post | Image: Hey guys I think YouTube is somehow more drunk than Pippa.
post | "Wait Pippa willingly sang Pippa the Ripper, I'm going to have to check the archive" Airi on being informed of drunk Pippa.
post | Airi singing the Ripper LETS FUCKING GO BROS.
post | We need more Airi trolling Pippa moments.
post | Tweet: Pippa's cooked.

post | Image: Pippalien abduction.
post | Link: Pipkin Pippa Sings Pippa The Ripper While Drunk.
post | Video: Thhrang mentions her oshi again.
post | Grimmi clip: Grimmi got really paranoid about reading declassified goverment documents and chat convinced her Pippas on a few watchlists.
post | Yuni Tweet: Birdposting.

post | Watchlist and mass surveillance discussion.
post | Pippa Tweet: Pippa leaves a tip on the porch, delivery woman does the same.
post | Tweet: It's wild seeing Pippa on a Doki thumbnail.
post | Tweet: what are the chances Pippa lands on a Doki property and friendly banter about "paying up" turns into pippa telling Doki to kill herself?
post | Pippa is probably doing mental reps right now literally going "Don't tell her to kill herself, don't tell her to kill herself".

post | Courtesy of KF, our friends on ResetEra are NOT happy about Pippa collabing with Dokibird.
post | "Makes me think most people either don't know or are turning a blind eye." Or people just don't give a shit sperg.
post | Image: Some more seething.
post | Pippa is called a crypto fascist on tv trops.
post | It's just bait threads using Pippa and this collab.

post | Oh hey, now that you mention it, I wonder how Resetera reacted when Pippa collabed with Henya. Same? Or do they dislike Henya? I have never set foot on that site.
post | Image: a seething pre-debut.
post | Pippa and Doki Warrior Cats stream when?
post | Image: Thhrang partakes in his favorite pastime: self-fellatio.
post | Doesn't Doki also have a massive thing for Neopets?

post | Pippa spends like an hour containing herself, just for Lumi to yell "KILL YOURSELF" with her full chest.
post | Doki has joked about it before immediately saying "Oh wait, its probably not a good idea to make that joke."
post | Tweet: Pippa cleans up after handcams. (TL NOTE: doubtful)
post | Tweet: Pippa The Tester stream snipes a rando.
post | Who?

post | Image: Just some random person who had their twitch name in their online name.
post | Tweet: Pippa memes.
post | Image: He finally noticed he got a huge surge in viewers after like 30 min.
post | Grifter news: Dim Fool has sponsored Camelot's NASCAR. Now it will be even funnier if he gets in a fatal accident.
post | Taking bets on who tells the first suicide joke.

post | Lumi.
post | Image: Lumi's the one in jail on the thumbnail now.
post | Wow she already won. I hope they play again another time.
post | Looks like shes using the 2008 strat.

🔴 Collab starts : land on Boardwalk pls (Doki POV)

00:03 | post | Image: Is it still Scuff Connect if half the talents aren't PC?
00:05 | post | Ubisoft's shit tier servers for Monopoly are bad but the Uno servers are so so very much worse.
00:10 | post | 20K people watching a scuffed Monopoly game.
00:11 | post | Video: Start The Game Already.
00:12 | post | I sure am glad I haven't given ubisoft any money in over years.

00:13 | post | If Pippa gets comfortable enough she's gonna sit in the trade menu trying to art of the deal someone.
00:13 | post | Don't worry. Pippa will fix the audio as soon as she realizes 5 minutes before the stream ends.
00:15 | post | This is peak. And the game part hasn't even started.
00:15 | post | Image: Monopoly won't start problem, trying to start it will.

00:17 | post | Pippa's internet is so fucked.
00:18 | post | This is almost avant-garde.It's a Discord problem rather than her internet connection.
00:21 | post | she should switch to ventrillo.
00:23 | post | Better to not stream her perspective than have to cancel the collab from tech issues.
00:23 | post | Image: Pippshock.

00:26 | post | Best stream I've ever watched, belongs in a museum.
00:27 | post | RAID DOK- Motherfucker...
00:28 | post | Why must all the Kino Collabs be cucked by ISPs!
00:28 | post | she better not delete the vod because of brainworms, this is PRIME CONTENT.
00:29 | post | (this will keep her up at night for months)

00:30 | post | it's kind of hilarious how well filian meshes with pippa.
00:31 | post | Her brainworms are so strong they bend the reality.
00:31 | post | Image: Absolute Cinema.
00:31 | post | Filian's chat at least had a YNABAW parody on TTS.
00:33 | post | I don't mind TTS but holy shit at least turn it off for collabs.

00:36 | post | Filian Quote: I just killed myself.
00:37 | post | Just hearing Pippa's laugh within all the chaos is beautiful.
00:37 | post | Suicide jokes are on the table lads.
00:41 | post | Doki Quote: If anyone presses N, she's out.
00:41 | post | Lumi Quote: You stacked the dice, you RIGGER!

00:41 | post | HARD R LETS GOOO.
00:46 | post | Filian Quote: When I get out of jail, I'm gonna become the next Warren Buffet, and you're going to be the buffet.
00:48 | post | Filian Quote: Shut up, woman!
00:53 | post | Lumi Quote: I'm going to kill this bitch.
00:55 | post | I love Loomi, but I HATE her mods/chat.

01:00 | post | Everyone's on edge since (((they))) took out Parasi.
01:03 | post | man these obama jokes are cracker jack material.
01:04 | post | Doki trying to persuade FIlian to take this deal... blonde woman alliance is gonna be scary.
01:06 | post | Image: Hmm I wonder what the dragoons think if this collab so far...
01:09 | post | Doki is buying all the railroads to reclaim her ancestral property.

01:12 | post | my jewess is being outwitted by a dragon lady.
01:13 | post | someone: yaps doki: im canadian.
01:15 | post | Image: 1984, starring Thhrang.
01:19 | post | missed opportunity to ruin pippa at the same time with her $380 bet when she has $381.
01:22 | post | Pippa has no problem ruining herself.

01:23 | post | Pippa Clip: Literally 1984.
01:27 | post | and there's the 4 railroad supremacy for Doki...
01:28 | post | Are people expecting Pippa to not be retarded.
01:29 | post | This is the fastest game of monopoly I've ever seen. This is like a landmark case on mentally ill women and bad financial decisions.

01:32 | post | Not very surprising given it's Doki/Selen.
01:33 | post | Impressive is how little money exists in this game, all of it is getting filtered back to the bank so aggressively.
01:35 | post | Lumi Quote: You didn't wanna live in Indian avenue you'll be surrounded by shit.
01:38 | post | Every talent in a nutshell.
01:39 | post | Boardwalk hit counter.

01:43 | post | "Pippa you're a coward". Yes.
01:44 | post | Filian: "Do you think I'm a brainlet?" Doki: "...I mean..."
01:46 | post | Image: She fell for the free gold trimming.
01:50 | post | "Doki, do you want to marry me? - Filian "What? No, of course not." - Doki.
01:50 | post | Lumi Quote: I have no idea what mortgaging is.

01:51 | post | lumi should have robbed filian blind while she had the chance.
01:55 | post | Image: Doki has money, the rest, not so much.
02:01 | post | "Do you want to get married?" - Filian "No." - Pippa.
02:01 | post | Ok, what's Pippas best move now?
02:02 | post | Don't spend and try surviving.

02:05 | post | Tweet: Look at it go.
02:06 | post | @filianHasLost.
02:06 | post | Image: BANKRUPT YOURSELF! NOW!!!
02:08 | post | I like how the last 5 minutes there has been almost non-stop laughing from at least 1 person in the background.
02:09 | post | Is Monopoly secretly the golden vtuber collab game? This is wonderful.

02:11 | post | Tweet: Sakana is confused.
02:12 | post | Image: Filian schizoposts.
02:15 | post | "I'll give you 500 if you join Phase Connect." - Pippa "I'm in." - Filian.
02:24 | post | Didn't expect Filian to be the one to gay it up so much.
02:35 | post | Nice Yacht joke Lumi.

02:47 | post | All of them except Doki have been living by a thread for almost the last hour.
02:47 | post | Offer her a Neopets or Warrior Cats Collab rabbit, you have options here.
02:50 | post | Filian Quote: This game is like the middle east, every step a landmine.
02:53 | post | Filian is over.
02:55 | post | "This game could've ended sooner if I didn't do all these bailouts" You don't say Doki.

02:57 | post | >Skips her walking animation >Gets a speeding fine very funny game lol.
02:59 | post | Lumi Quote: Doki, take me out back and shoot me in the fucking head.
03:01 | post | It's pippover.
03:05 | post | "I'm not dead yet" You are Pippa, you just don't realize it yet.
03:11 | post | Pippa Quote: If you land on this space I'm going to jump.

03:15 | post | Top 5 Pippa streams.
03:19 | post | Image: Filian offers an Olive brabch.
03:22 | post | Image: One of the best collabs I've ever seen.
03:23 | post | She's still chatting on Filian's stream, but they're talking about mcdonalds bathrooms now.
03:23 | post | She's still talking on Filian, she is shitting on Cinnabun coffee I think.

03:23 | post | Lumi asking for Mario Party collab, poggers.
03:35 | post | These two are great together.
03:38 | post | She's frying what's left of Pippa's brain.
03:40 | post | I can't tell if this is cringe or sad or funny or a mixture of all three.
03:48 | post | Pippa Tweet: I hope she gets sponsored a free computer.

03:49 | post | Imagine if they actually give pippa a pc.
03:49 | post | Asus prebuilts suck too, but at least it's not an alienware.
03:51 | post | Pippa is going to accidentally get Filian to raid a 2view troon.

⚫ Collab Ends​

post | Pretty sure Pippa has an aurora PC.
post | Pippa: Are you homophobic right now? Filian: No, I'm homophonic, that's when 2 words sound the same.
post | But she likes BDO.
post | Filian has raided GothieXO.
post | Image: Filian, The Zoomer Girl.

post | It's been good to see her getting more comfortable with group collabs and able to engage with them without shrinking into herself.
post | That's why I still want to see the Pippa, Lisa, Kirsche collab.
post | Clip: Doki Laugh.
post | Tweet: Okay you win, whoever runs Starforge's Twitter.
post | Pippa Clip: Lisa Minecraft Collab.

post | Image: Pippantisemitism.
post | Tweet: Pippa responds to her fanboy, Kenzo from nexas.
post | Pippa Tweet: Pippa gets scammed by filian.
post | Responds to his tweet, Still doesn't follow him.
post | Video: Mahjong pip-pon song.

post | Image: BLACK Jumpscare.
post | Tweet: Elon says he'll unban Nick Fuentes.
post | Video: Murdoch Murdoch "In the Court of the Optics King"
post | Kenzo's talking about his Pippa interaction Pippa.
post | He didn't know who fishman/CEO is. Grifter.

post | They lived in a bubble inside the Reality app ecosystem.
post | Link: Viggle.ai, generate videos using AI.
post | Image: Capipicord are trading dick pics.
post | And they banned Nolan?!? SMH.
post | Apparently, it's a woman rating dick pics.

post | So a Pippa fan wakes up, sees a catfish account and goes "This one, this one is a professional cock rater"
post | So Pippa wakes up, sees an nft scam account and goes, "This one, this one is a real big titty asian girl"
post | Methinks they learned the wrong lessons from Pippa being catfished by the Chinese Hyperborean NFT psyop account thing last year.
post | What if he's one of the small ones and that's why he lets this faggotry continue, out of fear that she'll leak that schmeat.
post | I think this could be said about a lot of things chat picks up from her.

post | What soda grows mold the fastest ? Thread's mold expertise is in the limelight.
post | Do lia likers send dick pics too?
post | No, they ask for them. like, constantly. not even joking (TL NOTE: TF is going on in these discords?)
post | If this is what happens in the Discord, imagine what Pippa's marshmallow looks like!
post | Lia licker dick pics have hit PCG ATLEAST 5 times.

post | Tweet: The capipicord lore continues! Ms. dick rater doesn't watch Pippa.
post | God let someone SC Pippa about this. I'm curious if AB could sweep faster then Pippa could read.
post | Image: One of the reactors in chat.

🔴 Stream starts : reacting to people reacting to my music

00:04 | post | Image: BOOSH.
00:10 | post | Music: Power Metal AI, the only AI music I need.
00:13 | post | This is so terrible, but also amusing.
00:15 | post | Thhrang shills his own deranged AI posts.
00:17 | post | Already spending.

00:17 | post | Pippa Quote: Hold on, chat - I gotta spend money. TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-EIGHT DOLLARS A YEAR!?
00:19 | post | Ok she only bought a month.
00:23 | post | I'm starting to think our Autistic Little Sister might be bad with money.
00:26 | post | It's not possible to rip the instrumental from the generated tracks unfortunately.
00:29 | post | Video: AI Metal. Alright I like the site, good shit.

00:32 | post | Well if IRyS isn't gonna make any music herself at least the AI will.
00:36 | post | Video: Lumi AI song.
00:39 | post | Pippa should save this, send it to Jelly for workshopping, and release it as her next orisong.
00:40 | post | Link: You CAN rip instrumentals from generated tracks.
00:41 | post | We have our national anthem.

00:41 | post | This is it, we have our shadilay.
00:42 | post | Site may be impressive in some regards, but It doesn't do Grunge.
00:44 | post | "Unified we stand, under one iron rule. Our voices silenced, in the name of the fool." She may be a fool, but she's our fool.
00:46 | post | Pippa Quote: What is Hair Metal.

00:51 | post | AI Song: Totalitarian Triumph by @pipkinpippa.
00:52 | post | Can someone tell google that pippas chat may not be the best dataset to ingest….
00:56 | post | Totalitarian Eurobeat is a very odd mix.
00:57 | post | Glory to Pippakistan! I wonder if we could get a banger to the tune of God, Syria, and Bashar.
00:57 | post | "They are not very well liked" Pippa is one of the people calling everyone harines on pcg.

00:57 | post | I hope the Harine song ends up being Village People-tier gay.
00:58 | post | If she's doing a sea shanty making it acapella would be a lot better.
00:58 | post | "They wear their socks up high to their knees" IT FUCKING KNOWS.
01:00 | post | If harines committed warcrimes, that would actually be a redeeming quality.
01:05 | post | Harine song turns gay, you love to see it.

01:06 | post | This is the real Harine anthem.
01:07 | post | AI song: Anchors Aweigh by @pipkinpippa.
01:08 | post | "white guy rapper" She doesn't want it to say slurs lmao.
01:09 | post | It wont let her use Mori Calliope.
01:10 | post | Image: She HATE Ukrainian.

01:11 | post | Image: Total Ukraine Death.
01:13 | post | White & Nerdy Part II: Jongers In Tha Hood.
01:15 | post | AI song: Mahjong Madness by @pipkinpippa.
01:16 | post | Pippa Quote: You're welcome Jongers, I've given you an anthem.
01:21 | post | We've lost another one to the Pipparanoia.

01:22 | post | Image: This is the best I could do before I ran out of Good Goy Points.
01:38 | post | Image: Pippa finds furries cute.
01:43 | post | "She'll be melon flavour and have big melons" Character design is my passion. >Melonie Miruka.
01:44 | post | Have you seen Niji's last few EN waves, she ain't close to the bottom yet.
01:47 | post | Damn it got the anime girl first try.

01:52 | post | 'The machine now thinks for us.' Yeah, that's one "Hell" of a future.
01:53 | post | "You can add effects with asterisk WHHHHHHAAATTT" Immediately in chat *vine boom* No that's a bad chat.
01:54 | post | Video: Seagull laugh? Nah, Antlion sound.
02:00 | post | The ESL emote is one of the best additions to the stream in a while.
02:01 | post | Image: Nyana dunks on her ESL mother.

02:05 | post | Image: Reactor is still waiting his turn.
02:17 | post | Tweet: Hexa wiped her hard drive, no backups.
02:18 | post | She overrwrote an NVME, she's fucked.
02:24 | post | > Loves "melon" milk Those allegations are never getting beaten.
02:26 | post | Pippa Quote: What does downloading a video do?

02:28 | post | For 30 minutes maybe, it's just listening to music with Pippa only talking once ever 30 seconds.
02:33 | post | There's a certain niconiconii that would've improved the video, just sayin'...
02:34 | post | NiconicoNijisanji.
02:45 | post | Image: Melon is a good design.
02:56 | post | Image: "She's been nearly horizontal before" indeed she has.

02:56 | post | Oh, we're actually doing reactions.
02:58 | post | Stream's over, we can leave now.
02:59 | post | "React harder!" - chick who has random videos playing in the background while reading unrelated superchats.
03:02 | post | To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand "the ice cream machine is fucking broken"
03:03 | post | Image: Reactor is up!

03:04 | post | And she compliments him, what a day for Ron.
03:04 | post | "Vtuber fans can get a little mad" says girl who's usual response to anything is anger.
03:10 | post | This guy actually picking apart the production in detail while Pippa's understanding of the whole process is "I want ice cream".
03:11 | post | Tweet: Ron looks fucking weird.
03:13 | post | Dayum, Henri had a glow-up!

03:17 | post | Pippa Quote: Wake up in the morning feeling like pedophiles~.
03:20 | post | "I love them dearly. They're assholes Ron" I sense no lie in this statement.
03:20 | post | Image: "Go over and leave some positivity" No.
03:25 | post | It's cute that Pippa is giving attention to those with mental disabilities.
03:27 | post | Image: Ron's being a Henri.

➡️ Pippa raids Nyana Cover waiting room

post | Eimi live, raids into cover thats in 17 hours, she hates her!
post | Thhrang's back to the pipstorian mines.
post | Music: Pippa uploads Mahjong Madness.
post | Music: Song's like a soy Bones.
post | She only started using that channel again after someone asked her to on /pcg/.

post | Pippa reads /pcg/?
post | Image: Xyz missed the stream.
post | F A K E F A N.
post | Tweet: Pippa and marmot Miku.
post | Video: Pippa is making AI songs.

post | Tweet: AI song: Pippa bites on a chip.
post | Image: NiiCola got a bit of a subscriber boost from appearing on Pippa's stream.
post | Video: Pippa is still making AI songs.
post | Image: Pippa go to sleep, "No"
post | Critique of Pippa The Ripper. Thread opines.

post | Chat for tonight's stream is disabled.
post | Probably due to chat AIDS from the japan arc.
post | Nyana's cover of Ice Cream Machine.
post | Pippa Tweet: Pippa labels her dresser.
post | Tweet: This is literally what fuckin' Double-D from Ed, Edd & Eddie did.

post | Tweet: Double-P room.
post | Image: pippa still on Namek?
post | Yuni makes an Ai song on her hiatus.
post | Image: "so Yuni when are you coming back" "yeah, about that..."
post | Would be funny if there were Yuni Luna fans who're still clueless about Pippa.
post | "she hates us uuuuuuuuuuu"

🔴 Stream starts : NO SEGGS ALLOWED || Katawa Shoujo Part 6

00:06 | post | Numerfagging: five minutes in and is a 3view. Bubble finally popped ?
00:06 | post | imagine not wanting to watch ks.
00:14 | post | It just broke 1k. Also noticing that Dizzy/Fishman stream is over 3k. God that is so weird.I'm such a numberfag.
00:19 | post | Not keeping a consistent schedule can kill some channels. Also this is a VN stream, and its really old.
00:19 | post | These streams don't get many views, It's why Pippa was desperate to end the game.

00:21 | post | > you know how you have two front teeth? > well I only have one of those.
00:24 | post | We have a new thing to menhera about multiple times a stream.
00:24 | post | Nice of Mike tyson to stream for her with a voice changer tonight It's fine.
00:29 | post | Pippa can't appreciate quality gook food says fishman.
00:32 | post | Sakana said any food over 20 dollars is wasted on Pippa.

00:56 | post | How do her Scottish voices keep getting worse?
01:07 | post | Pippa clip: no, it's getting better.
01:13 | post | Pippa Quote: 'What disability is Akira?' Tomboy.
01:16 | post | Pippa Quote: I think trains are cool but I don't like being on trains and I don't like train stations.
01:30 | post | Pippa doesn't listen, more news at 11.

01:39 | post | "And Then There Were None"
02:12 | post | "I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you" Was that a Singin' in the Rain reference?
02:13 | post | men (and pippa) want one thing.
02:18 | post | Pippa Quote: SEX?
02:19 | post | titties on stream incoming.

02:20 | post | Pippa Quote: If you truly love the other person you can wait until marriage.
02:23 | post | Image: Chinchillasshole.
02:26 | post | Image: The censored version of the game features excellent choices.
02:37 | post | Pippa clip: What a slut.

02:38 | post | Pippa Quote: Did we have sex again? We just had sex yesterday!
02:41 | post | Healthy is fucking once a day. Good to know.
02:43 | post | Guys, I think Pippa wasn't lying. She's actually a virgin.
02:46 | post | Image: an expert on seggs opines.
02:54 | post | We've replaced the politics with something even better... SEGGS.

02:54 | post | complains about horny, moves the sexy bunny girl game ahead on the schedule.

➡️ Pippa raids Runie

post | Image: Grey name states the obvious.
post | Henri lives rent free in some people's heads...
post | She sounds a bit tired, she needs energy for her political steams to generate all of her bad takes and scream at chat.
post | Tweet: Sena wants to name her bear.

🟣 Stream starts : train videos

00:06 | post | Bruh I was gonna sleep...
00:07 | post | What the fuck Pippa. It's Lia time.
00:19 | post | Do Americans not learn about any other world history? How does she not know who Margaret Thatcher is.
00:24 | post | Image: I'm just gonna assume we all look like Limmy right now.
00:27 | post | Image: The upcoming Pokémon TCG set releasing in Japan in June has a new Colress card.

00:36 | post | Henya Raid.
00:49 | post | Pippa Quote: What is a kilometer? Is it like three miles?
01:00 | post | But pippa, you said you never voted... aand she backtracked.
01:00 | post | Thank you pippa for showcasing why women shouldn't vote.


Getting real busy these next weeks, expect delays longer than this one.
My streak of 5 summaries right on the last recap page has been broken... :pikameefuck:
Last edited:

Henrik Carter

One last time.
Joined:  Mar 30, 2023
Shiina's singing praises about Pippa and her coworkers. Mostly about how Pippa's the Flagship talent and she's very humble.


"I would be shot at for her"
Joined:  Dec 1, 2023
Shiina's singing praises about Pippa and her coworkers. Mostly about how Pippa's the Flagship talent and she's very humble.
so henri was right.

Planetary Bombardment

It's the only way to be sure.
Joined:  Jan 7, 2023


War Cleric of TVA
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 13, 2022
I find it funny there's someone out there seriously reviewing Pippa the Ripper. The music is good, but the lyrics are pretty bad. Some sea-nig ghost writer basically wrote a song called "Pippa the messiah", Pippa thought it was blasphemous and asked him to change it, and the sea-nig just lazily replaced the word "messiah" with "ripper".
I wish she would make more songs. The fact that this happened shouldn't be a sign to not do anything, because a ghost-writer isn't going to put as much effort as you want, but it should be a sign to invest yourself more into song-making so you can make something you're proud of.

What if we wrote lyrics for a song for her? I have no experience with it, but if it's written by a non-ESL non-AI then it might be an improvement, right?
It would crack me up to no end if there are Yuni Luna fans still out there that don't know about Pippa, and are just one day waiting for Yuni to return.
There's at least one, it seems. Unless he's a bot. :botanshrug:


Well-known member
Joined:  Oct 1, 2022
There's at least one, it seems. Unless he's a bot.
Way back, I remember Sleepy in the Pippa fancord implied, or she was talking to someone who implied, that there was a surprising amount of Yuni fans who didn't know about Pippa.


"I would be shot at for her"
Joined:  Dec 1, 2023
Way back, I remember Sleepy in the Pippa fancord implied, or she was talking to someone who implied, that there was a surprising amount of Yuni fans who didn't know about Pippa.
they had to just be pretending to be retarded, right?


Well-known member
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Joined:  Sep 21, 2022
Way back, I remember Sleepy in the Pippa fancord implied, or she was talking to someone who implied, that there was a surprising amount of Yuni fans who didn't know about Pippa.
I almost feel like saying, "surely after three years everyone would look up to see if they've reincarnated", but then I remember the average post around here and just say to myself, "no they wouldn't."

Stunned But Dumb

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Joined:  Jan 29, 2023
"God, I hate vtubers nowadays. Like this one vtuber I always hear about. A pink rabbit named Pippa Pipkin who's a huge transphobe, racist, and crypto facist apparently. I don't think any one should be watching her, I personally have blocked her channel from ever appearing on my feed. If only my oshi Yuni could return to streaming. Now that was a special one. Sometimes she tweets and she dropped a video the other day... maybe... she's coming back? I hope she's ok out there"


Well-known member
Joined:  Nov 2, 2023
Maybe they searched for her shortly after she stopped, only to find that she wasn't in any well-known agencies, causing them to give up. I saw someone who knew Kumano Miel's PL accidentally found her in Globie. Granted, Pippa has been more (in)famous for quite some time.


"I would be shot at for her"
Joined:  Dec 1, 2023
Maybe they searched for her shortly after she stopped, only to find that she wasn't in any well-known agencies, causing them to give up. I saw someone who knew Kumano Miel's PL accidentally found her in Globie. Granted, Pippa has been more (in)famous for quite some time.
I was a VERY casual watcher of early yuni. caught maybe 3-4 actual streams and watched some popular clips. wasn't really into vtubers much at the time and failed to keep up with her. A few months after Pippa debuts I come across some clips and mention of her being "based funny bunny" and the first thing i thought when i found her was "oh, she's ripping off that moth/owl girl." It didn't take long for me to piece it together after that, and as i said i wasn't into vtubers much at all and only very casually watched streams at the time.
I find it hard / impossible to believe that any actual fans of hers missed what went down.


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
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Joined:  Sep 13, 2022
Sometimes I forget that some people actually have to look up where their favourite graduated chuubas have got to, rather than just having autistic detectives on a forum spoonfeed it to them like I do.


Resident Pippa complainer
Joined:  Oct 8, 2022

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

God's Strongest Smartass
Dizzy's Husband
Joined:  Apr 4, 2023
Way back, I remember Sleepy in the Pippa fancord implied, or she was talking to someone who implied, that there was a surprising amount of Yuni fans who didn't know about Pippa.
This is true and I've seen it pop up recently as well. It happens with others too. A lot of people are casual watchers that when someone disappears they don't really look around because youtubers and streamers happen a lot. Plus you have the whole autistic kayfabe shit like we say on Clara's PL videos which when people talk in the whole "wink wink nudge nudge" it really only makes sense for those who already know. Otherwise to be frank they just come off as extremely ESL.


Resident Pippa complainer
Joined:  Oct 8, 2022
>Pippa last stream
Sex is weird, why are they already having sex? What do you mean they did it again?
>Pippa in an hour
It's purely cause a guy was involved huh? :smugpipi:


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 13, 2022
>Pippa last stream
Sex is weird, why are they already having sex? What do you mean they did it again?
>Pippa in an hour
It's purely cause a guy was involved huh? :smugpipi:
Pippa likes the idea of sex but is actually terrified of it.

Postal rrat

Joined:  Mar 19, 2023
Pippa likes the idea of sex but is actually terrified of it.
Understandable what if she tries to have sex with some one and they wind up holding the sledgehammer

famous artist pipkun

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Mindflayer and Master Baiter
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Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
Early Adopter
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Blonde doesn't suit you, Yuni.

Eat em and breed em

I need help
Joined:  May 30, 2023
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