"Don't EVER bring up Haley Joel Osment in front of me. I have had a rivalry with that guy for... I don't even know, as long as I can remember. I hate him. I HAVE NEVER WANTED TO DESTROY SOMEONE MORE IN MY LIFE THAN HALEY JOEL OSMENT! I HATE HIM!!! I HATE HIM BECAUSE HIS FACE IS TOO SMALL FOR HIS HEAD, AND IT'S NOT NATURAL"Mint Fantome
Pippa is like my father... "well, we have this half a bag of pretzels... they're ONLY 2 days past the best by date!" Like man, I know your childhood was rough, but we don't have to scrounge so bad anymore, relax.
Knew I recognized the voice of the dude singing these covers. Fucking Will Stetson from the osu! community lmao. Haven't heard anything from that dude in years
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