"Thanks for not saying the gamer word in my chat. I know it took a lot of restraint"Mono Monet

Recent content by Security

  1. Security

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    "Mein Kampf?" "Too Jewish."
  2. Security

    Pipprojects 2̶0̶2̶4 2025

    For Phase TC (not this single-level Pippa mod) a Phasemem Doom Demonized method for the enemies definitely works, though I'm also thinking of some more sillier stuff, like the Pain Elemental (yes, Doom II, not Doom) being like the one from Doom 64, except it's Hina or Runie holding Saya and Muyu...
  3. Security

    Pipprojects 2̶0̶2̶4 2025

    Think the idea for the single-map Pippa mod will be to have enemies not be Phasemems. However, if my map making abilities come back to me, these could work in a full Phase TC, though I was originally thinking more goofy than sexy. Still, those have potential for the Phase TC. Think I want...
  4. Security

    General Thread v4mirai: Brought to you by Brave

    "could you please do something nice for yourself today" Sorry, Lisa, I have The Pact signed with Pippa, so not today.
  5. Security

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    I thought it was fine with some enjoyable stuff. It's the closest we have to a Shadowrun movie by far. Though Landis took a scene right out of Ayer's Training Day script that was so obvious it was annoying. Or maybe Ayer put it in there himself. Dunno, but that was lazy.
  6. Security

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    The orcs are organized, disciplined, and obedient. Of course they're not black.
  7. Security

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Banter thread? Or Pippa thread? I could make a case for either. A Time is a flat circle.
  8. Security

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    It somewhat reminds me of X-Men: First Class, where all the action scenes and whatnot sucked, and the film was at its best when it was just Professor X and Magneto talking to each other. Wish the whole film had been just that, but fat chance there.
  9. Security

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Another reason for why to be a vtuber and not a fleshstreamer: https://nichegamer.com/japanese-livestreamer-ai-mogami-killed-during-live-stream/
  10. Security

    Pipprojects 2̶0̶2̶4 2025

    He'll be the BFG 9000. Terry head that charges up, screams, and emits the energy ball, which shows all on screen to be glowies who then get vaporized.
  11. Security

    Pipprojects 2̶0̶2̶4 2025

    Amusingly, I was thinking of exactly that but with However, that would be a bit inconsiderate. Perhaps for the full Phase TC there'd be a more subtle reference, or more a warm homage.
  12. Security

    Pipprojects 2̶0̶2̶4 2025

    As noted by the gumi, simple changes don't really need coding experience. However, if we were to go beyond that, I imagine any real coder could pick it up rather quick, as I've often heard how clean the Doom (and Quake) code is. Along with that, however, I think we should keep the weapon...
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