"San Francisco is a primary example of government money laundering; How can a city have a budget of $14 Billion and still can't stop people from shitting on the street?"Kirschey

Recent content by Lesbian Solid Snake

  1. Lesbian Solid Snake

    General Thread v4mirai: Brought to you by Brave

    Mari just raised 10k for the American heart association
  2. Lesbian Solid Snake

    General Thread v4mirai: Brought to you by Brave

    Objectively speaking in comparison to something like hard labor, streaming is an incredibly easy job. What most people dont seem to realize is that sitting at a desk for 8+ hours a day WILL wreck your body if you arent taking frequent breaks and getting exercise which I assume most Vtubers dont...
  3. Lesbian Solid Snake

    General Thread v4mirai: Brought to you by Brave

    Kiki as a guest :magnino:
  4. Lesbian Solid Snake

    Hololive L Collection

    I know the glitz and glamor of hololive is what attracts so many people to their talents but do viewers genuinely want more performance and idolshit over streams? I understand and respect the value in their work as entertainers but if they're all spending hours and hours behind the scenes...
  5. Lesbian Solid Snake

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    Arent asians extremely prone to developing schizophrenia? That mixed with a culture that stigmatizes getting mental health care is a recipe for creating the most psychotic people imaginable.
  6. Lesbian Solid Snake

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    Anyone know who Tori Oriane is? She seems to be implying that shes ex-corpo. Mocha (suri solari of V&U) follows her. The account was created in march but she didnt start posting till july. Possibly someone jumping ship?
  7. Lesbian Solid Snake

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    This is so sad can we get uruka to play the worlds smallest violin?
  8. Lesbian Solid Snake

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    >pansexual >non binary So the average straight woman in 2024
  9. Lesbian Solid Snake

    VSEA - How to destroy your company in 3 months

    Autism aside this guy is a grade a retard. I get that he's only a kid but in what universe does an 18 year old on SOCIAL DISABILITY decide its a good idea to make a vtuber ""company"" and not even go through with doing step 1 and REGISTER IT. What ever the fuck you guys in SEA are smoking I...
  10. Lesbian Solid Snake

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    This implies sayu thinks she's hot enough to do sex work. Ironically she looks more europen here than she does when dressed up in j-fashion Am I the only one who thinks the talking in third person thing is cringe and annoying?
  11. Lesbian Solid Snake

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Recently discovered a small chuba I wanted to shill Meet Orla, a Dullahan Vtuber who plays mostly retro games Tonight shes playing Scooby Doo for the GBA!
  12. Lesbian Solid Snake

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Tomboy girl priest Is live
  13. Lesbian Solid Snake

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I love Rin but her chat is filled with the most annoying, obnoxious, brain dead, borderline retarded zoomers on the planet. I have to turn the chat off every time I watch her. Hindsight is 20/20 I suppose.
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