"I am the experiment! Not the scientist!"Eimi Isami

Recent content by DogBone

  1. DogBone

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3: Fosterhome For Aloggers (And Walmart Night Stockers)

    Pippa is streaming vertically on YT as a psyop to bring more people to Kick.
  2. DogBone

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3: Fosterhome For Aloggers (And Walmart Night Stockers)

    "The Shining Star of Losers Everywhere." Oh shit, they made a documentary about Pippa!?
  3. DogBone

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3: Fosterhome For Aloggers (And Walmart Night Stockers)

    The age of the corpo vtuber is dying. The juggernaut that is Cover is slowly crumbling. It isn't to say that it'll tank like countless other companies have, but it's no longer a bulletproof organization. After Selen and Ame, there's a vibe shift that's basically letting everyone know, "Hey, if...
  4. DogBone

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3: Fosterhome For Aloggers (And Walmart Night Stockers)

    Ooooh husbando, you spento arr our money on buying rairways in Monopory. Now we are homeress.
  5. DogBone

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3: Fosterhome For Aloggers (And Walmart Night Stockers)

    Okay. How do you even spend $150 on Warframe unless it's a huge purchase? A single character is at most $20.
  6. DogBone

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3: Fosterhome For Aloggers (And Walmart Night Stockers)

    I can't believe that Pippa just said she hates Phase-Connect and all her coworkers. Truly, this is a mask off moment!!
  7. DogBone

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3: Fosterhome For Aloggers (And Walmart Night Stockers)

    Pippa thinks that women play the high school dating simulator :smugpipi:
  8. DogBone

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3: Fosterhome For Aloggers (And Walmart Night Stockers)

    They should have just made Bucciarati a Joestar and had him be the protagonist because Giorno doesn't even matter. Him being Dio's son doesn't even matter, so why even include him?
  9. DogBone

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3: Fosterhome For Aloggers (And Walmart Night Stockers)

    What would be her redface name? Would she be Running Rabbit? Would she be Rodent with Long Fingers? Would she be Chief who Says She Only Drinks Socially?
  10. DogBone

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3: Fosterhome For Aloggers (And Walmart Night Stockers)

    Abos need to be taught not to huff petrol fumes. Vtubers need to be taught not to gamble on anime women.
  11. DogBone

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3: Fosterhome For Aloggers (And Walmart Night Stockers)

    True equality means making the real black girl also wear the blackface shoe polish.
  12. DogBone

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3: Fosterhome For Aloggers (And Walmart Night Stockers)

    Pippa doesn't know what she's talking about. Someone needs to call in an expert on fent. Quick, someone @ MariMari_en!!
  13. DogBone

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3: Fosterhome For Aloggers (And Walmart Night Stockers)

    Finally, the JO crystal Pippa got from Chromu may get some use!!
  14. DogBone

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3: Fosterhome For Aloggers (And Walmart Night Stockers)

    I hope Pippa asks an actual Irish person to go deep into the Troubles, totally ignoring how that could be awkward.
  15. DogBone

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3: Fosterhome For Aloggers (And Walmart Night Stockers)

    What Pippa should do is make an AI of herself with her voice. That way, Pippa can use it to read things on stream in her voice.
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