"Fun is not a race, and being in a rush for that is no way to have fun"Tsukumo Sana

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  • Account dedicated to semi-monitoring the nasally sound songbird that lets haters live in her head rent free since probably post-debut at worst, 1st Ethyria anniversary at best
    Pfp sauce:
    I used to watch Enna a lot since I stumbled on her Higurashi concert until the black stream happened. Appreciate the monitoring and good luck to you.

    Btw what made you blacklisted?
    For one, discovering the red flags of cultist members of the Teahouse and the reason why I got booted out is because of my mistake of going full xxxism on my own mother lol. Usually, I'd feel torn for days for being too zased or too cringe. After hearing what my oshi and how she reacted to the Belen Biasco, I am elated to get booted out, and that's really bad for the Teahouse's reputation. It's a shame they are still supporting their oshi in full swing like the canon event never happened.
    I looked back at how they treat those that are negative to other Nijitalents. They don't want me criticizing any Nijitalent of whatever they do (they really mean it, especially when it's Millie). Sadly, I don't have screenshots to back them up, nor do I even want to be a snitch to them. Some of them shared me info on how to download unarchived karaokes and streams without using the cringe mess that is ATube. It's only a shame that when I want to thank them for sharing it to me, their DMs are most probably closed or unallowed because Discord settings.
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