"The doctor suspected stomach bacteria, to figure that out he needed me to shit in a cup. So I have to go to the hospital for a bunch of stuff, but also to drop off a cup of shit. I took a bunch of laxatives that day, I drank a coffee, I drank some aloe vera juice, I ate some spinach, had some orange juice, long story short, I shat my soul out later that day. The worst part was I had to scoop the mousse au chocolat into this fucking cup. It was so moussie, and chunky. The medicine I am taking, it seems to help. The first night was still rough, but this night, I feel great. I feel very gassy. Hopefully whatever it is the medicines are working well against that, and now we just hope and preygge (Pray) that when I call on Monday they didn't find anything else that's suspicious."Shylily
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How is this only the simp's fault? This bitch is fucking mental if she's having a meltdown over being """""cheated""""" on with other streamers. Idk how people even watch this woman pretend to be a fucking child and how she's become one of the "big" indies. Jesus christ all of these people need to be surgically removed from vtubing.
Yeah I forgot to add there indeed many that are just mad at Shondo for letting a single fag caused all of this when she has thousand of viewers and many other whales, yet a single simp leaving has her borderline suicidal.
Reminds me of the classic tale of Tiresias, the ancient Greek soothsayer. He had been magically transformed into a woman for seven years, then back into a man. When the gods wanted to know who enjoys sex more - men or women - they naturally asked Tiresias. His reply, essentially, was that women enjoy sex ten times more than men.
Tax: Pippa and Henya - crock buddies. (I think someone was asking for a clip of this several pages ago)
Mikeneko has BPD, Shondo is Schizoaffective which can best be described as BPD and Schizophrenia. Mikeneko has (slightly) more self control over her antics in theory she just chooses not to, Shondo's menhera is much worse and more uncontrollable without heavy medication.
I think she want's a more explicate depiction of penetration in an animated loop, with see through "person on top" and it took her a paragraph to describe her request so...
ALSO LAW-LEE bod, I wish they made her model just a tad more mature shaped like how Shiina draws Shiina, would probably be fine then.
Now I understand Oil Barrens are an important part of a Vtuber's paycheck and a reason why we have Vtubers at all but GOD DAMN
If she's really wanting him to keep dropping 5K on her (or more) AND she's emotionally attached to him MOVE THE FUCK IN AND SPLIT THE RENT, no no I know they're both crazy and it will be horrible, but that's just so retarded to be attached to somebody and not just GET FUCK'N. Of course that's giving her a HUGE benefit of the doubt that's she's not just greedy for his $$$ and him a lesser one that he would even care for a 3d woman.
It's one of those things you can tell young dudes (or have told to you when young), but until you see it happen it is hard to fully comprehend. It's also probably best to never dwell on what Women will do when the desire for a child overwhelms every other logical process in their brain.
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