"If you look at it from a different perspective, no one is on their right mind in holoID; I thought Zeta and Kaela was very seiso, I thought Zeta was that sweet, ah dere-dere in holoID, but it turns out, she has a few screws loose; ...I don't know what to make of Kaela anymore, she's a monster; From before I could tell 'oh Kobo is gonna be the loud one' but then, then Zeta and Kaela really did a very big damage, they surprised me!"Kureiji Ollie
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Nolan got his ability to delete posts on the farms removed for a reason. Although I think it's funny, dunno if I want that here. We'd get more incidents like earlier today where he's half the posts on a page, off-topic, rambling about some inane personal Twitter or Discord bullshit. All the while, I eye my broom with malicious intent.
[edit] And why is it that this other stuff they're doing seems more important to Cover than streaming? Like if their primary income source is from streamers streaming that seems like it ought to be more important to them than these semi-mythical 'other projects', but many talents act like it's the other way round....
I wonder how much merch they pump out for her. Considering how chumbuds are hopelessly addicted to her, they could just have her announce new merch every 3-4 months for some event and just collect bank. I'm willing to bet Cover is far more lenient on her and willing to let her stream once every blue moon if it means she's still "active" and they can still pump out merch on her.
Now I just have to resist the urge to fall back into Warcraft myself...I managed to survive BC classic by not paying attention, but Wrath is a whole new level.
You have made the right decision to stay away. All the problems in Classic have ramped up to obscene levels in Wrath. GDKPs have destroyed all but the top 3 guilds on most servers because people would rather buy 60k gold, join whichever GDKP is running at the time, and buy all their gear than follow some guild's raiding schedule. Botting has grown out of control and now every BG is entirely DK bots. The prevalence of bots has made gold so insanely cheap that it is caused massive inflation for the economy on most servers. Consumables aren't that expensive but the problem is that if you want to raid, you have to sneak your way into one of those top 3 megaguilds with turbo-autistic management or buy gold to get into GDKPs. The only alternative is to get into some shit guild that takes 3 nights of raiding to down 1/3rd of the raid. Blizzard has finally decided to break the "no balance changes" rule, which has opened a can of worms where every retard is demanding their spec become OP as fuck. They gave Ret paladins a new glyph that made their Hand of Reckoning spell no longer taunt but now do damage to untauntable targets. That has helped them go from bottom to mid tier. Then they buffed Feral Cats by making it so that Feral Faerie Fire is a guaranteed Omen of Clarity proc, which has catapulted Feral Cats from one of the bottom 3 DPS specs to one of the top DPS specs and they are likely to scale out of control even more as the game goes on. The game is currently on the backend of Ulduar so TOGC should be coming out within 2-3 months or so, so the game is on a huge downward slope.
Here's the raiding population at the start of Ulduar (released January 19th):
Now here's it currently:
The reason for the huge dip between Naxx lvl 80 and Ulduar is because Naxx was so easy that every fucking guild was running like 2-4 alt runs of the place. When Ulduar came out, all but the top 1% of guilds dumped their alt runs to focus on progression. Meanwhile the raiding population in Ulduar has dropped substantially and the only reason it lost ONLY 20% of the raiding population is because a lot guilds have started to run splits again after like 1-2 months of having the place on farm, so that number is heavily inflated. A massive amount of the player population saw WoW as "Waiting on Wrath" and now they're disappointed that it wasn't the greatest experience of all time and the game has degenerated to a shit state. After seeing that Ulduar wasn't some life changing experience but an annoyingly long raid with some "neat" fights that go on forever, a bunch of folks quit altogether because they don't want to farm Ulduar's long ass raid for half a year and then go straight into the shitty TOGC raid. A bunch of people aren't going to stick around for ICC. They'll kill the Lich King or Heroic Lich King once and then just dip. Not a lot of people will want to stick around for Ruby Sanctum or farm ICC for 6 months so some dumbass warrior gets their shadowmourne.
Twitter is always on some shit with vtubers. Sucks that all of them pretty much need to use that site. Still, I like to run into chumbuds there and call their blue woman bad.
I miss when tumblr wasn't dead. Twitter was still dogshit back then but at least the tumblr crowd was kept on their containment site. Once they banned porn, all the freaks migrated to twitter and shit up twitter even more so they can still look at porn.
Perception of Gura sure seems to have changed recently. Before she had this aloof quality, like stuff wouldn't touch her. "Oh look how she never uses twitter, unlike dumb pink and orange woman. She's got net-smarts from all her years online as a shitposter; the other holos should just ignore and laugh off drama like she does." Now it's like she's a quivering bundle of vulnerabilities, both physical and mental, that could collapse any time.
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