"♫ But if you close your eyes; Does it almost feel like, nothing's changed dayoo! ♫ and if you close your eyes, does it almost feel like, we've been here dayooOOO! ♫"Pikamee fans watching Henya
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Whats funny is that Mythic used to draw Elira and Selen a fair amount, afaik since the Selen shoah the only Niji he has drawn since is Scarle. He still draws all the female ex-Nijis too like Doki, Matara and Mint
Is it really her?
If it's a compilation from the VN seiyuu lines she's credited as Satou Yuki and other aliases ( https://vndb.org/s281 ) who has been doing VN and ecchi voicework since 2003, and her face doesn't match Polka.
Unless Polka tried to imitate her in this context as a meme.
Is it really her?
If it's a compilation from the VN seiyuu lines she's credited as Satou Yuki and other aliases ( https://vndb.org/s281 ) who has been doing VN and ecchi voicework since 2003, and her face doesn't match Polka.
Unless Polka tried to imitate her in this context as a meme.
You can look up in Holopirates or Simpcity for the RJ audios, they're all real. Even Luna used to do those hentai RP audios before Holo, it's really offputting to hear her out of the retard character.
You can look up in Holopirates or Simpcity for the RJ audios, they're all real. Even Luna used to do those hentai RP audios before Holo, it's really offputting to hear her out of the retard character.
yup yup I know about Semi Sabure and polka but I didn't know about this particuar meme.
Still the face of the actress and the face of polka don't match so I think maybe she wanted to imitare the Asuna character up to eleven but at this point I'm not sure because that would mean Polka would have been a turbo prolific VA for anime even appearing in Koihime Musou.
So far I think polka did lewd ASMR as semi but she isn't the VA for that particular VN character
Getting kinda dizzy but I'm so glad there's a place like this to discuss these kind of things
"Ive lost weight" bitch you look HEALTHY you look FIT can you hoe shut the fuck up i bet this is why Mozu thinks weighing 54 kilograms is too much both of them gonna get anorexia at this pace I HATE UNREASONABLE BEAUTY STANDARTS
Do you think the vwhores on Twitter who don't get a comment from @Azehara get a complex about it? They think to themselves, "what's wrong with me that Azehara isn't thirsting over my thigh pictures?" Or "maybe I was wearing the wrong outfit to show off my tits and that's why Azehara wasn't interested?"
Do you think the vwhores on Twitter who don't get a comment from @Azehara get a complex about it? They think to themselves, "what's wrong with me that Azehara isn't thirsting over my thigh pictures?" Or "maybe I was wearing the wrong outfit to show off my tits and that's why Azehara wasn't interested?"
Say what you want, but I respect it when people actually work for their looks before showing off.
Being proud of, and showing off the results of self discipline and hard work, I get that.
It's when a 220 ibs landwhale posts a "Do I look cute uwu?" picture that, well... it's not exactly showing the results of self discipline or hard work, is it?
Let's apply Occam's razor. Of course Menace spoke with Mozu about it and came to an understanding, let's stop with the Rrat assuming the two are a pair of asocial retards that can't talk this trough. Also, why Mozu not wanting to do NSFW or GFE means that she will hate a vtuber that does it, more if is a close friend?
Hell the "Mozu hates NSFW" is even doubtful considering some of her actions, we are not dealing with Teresa de Calcuta here or some asexual PG-13 vtuber like Rin Penrose.
Okay but come on. Let's stop assuming that Mozu has some seething hatred against lewdtubers, that is just projecting my own biases onto another person thinking that he/she thinks just like me. Mozu doesn't want to do that type of content, but she is not going to go on a moral crusade against others that do it, and less against a close friend.
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