It agree that fans made it weird, but also I disagree that its for the better that they don't collab much anymore. AmeSame collabs were often good fun and they really are (were) cute together.Jokes aside, I'm convinced they've stopped collabing for the same reason Pekora and Miko did; the fans made it weird.
The two together were THE top results if you simply looked up "yuri" on Google. When you're two real people and everyone is drawing you fucking your actual friend that's probably making things super uncomfortable...
Takamori did go though the same thing, admittedly even worse, and there too for a long time Takamori fans were obnoxious. But that was in 2021. That doesn't stop Kiara and Mori from 2023 to collab with each other (or just often talk about each other even during solo-streams).
Or maybe Gura and Ame are just fucking sensitive pussies because seeing a drawing on the internet made them uncomfortable. The metric ton on art of Kiara fucking Calli and vice-versa sure didn't seem to bother and make them uncomfortable.
There is some kind of truth to that rrat. At least when it comes to Calli. Whilst I don't have the link on me rn, you might have seen the streamable of a part of Callis members stream, some time after 3rd Fes. She talks about how she regrets being a shitty friend to Kiara after Kiara moved away from Japan and going from talking almost every day to almost never talking to each other and stuff like that. And that she wants to build up more regular contact again.My rrat about myth collabs is they used to be a lot closer/etc, but the time differences/scheduling have made collabs a lot harder, and they've started to grow apart over the last couple years. Toss in some possible slight beef/disagreements and I feel like you get what you see now.
I do feel like gura and ame dislike each other though. Not really sure why, just kind of the impression I get when they do interact.
Well, now thats almost a year ago, and to me it does seem like Kiara and Calli have gotten a lot closer again ever since Calli visited her in Austria in Summer 2022. And in Winter 2022 and during Kiaras January Japan trip, she did hang out even more with Calli.
But its also the other way around apparently. I'm no Deadbeat, so I don't watch Calli solo streams, but apparently she mentions Kiara in some form or way pretty much every stream. Much more often than Kiara talks about Calli anyways. The people Kiara brings up the most on her own are Reine and Ame.
Holomyth as whole? I think its mostly Gura that doesn't seem integrated with the rest of the group. Its pretty well-known that she struggles answering even just Discord DMs from her own genmates and she regularly ghosts her management for weeks on end. I think if I had a friend who almost never answers any invites or if, then months later, I too would at one point just stop messaging in the first place.
That said, Kiara mentioned that ever since Gura arrived in Japan, they have been talking to each other a lot more, mostly Gura asking Kiara advice about how to survive in Japan but they apparently also listen to the same true-crime podcast and discuss it as well. Kiara is really happy that she is getting closer with Gura again.
And no matter what the relationship of Myth might be rn, it might change very quickly as it seems that all of Myth will be staying in some kind of AirBNB (or the same floor of a hotel; it isn't quite clear yet) for at least a month. And living together for longer than a few days can change up things a lot.
As thanks for reading my autistic interpetation of the inter-personal relationships of 5 women I will never meet, have a cute Myth Art: