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Blue bear is currently uuuoohing over Zatanna, her favorite character
"Is this how you guys feel when you come for Meet'n'Greets?"
Chat: "She's not real Uruka" Uruka: "She's real to me!"
Yes, she wields guns. >is given a mission to help Zatanna at the end of this museum filled with Faust's goons >she immediately proceeds to run through every enemy pack and aggro the entire dungeon in her rush to see her queen
Damn i expected dizzy to be the first to drop the details, will have to clip this once the vod is up:
Slugma put all her donation money back into Tsunderia
Disagreements/fights against being assigned a groomer mod "S-Train"
Groomer mod got fired "How do you get fired from a job that you volunteered for"
No ads.
no vocal lessons after multiple requests to ppp.
Slugma doing a dual manager/therapist role.
"People say "PPP was just out of his element, he means well." After that many fuck ups are you really out of your element? You're messing with people's dreams and livelihoods."
"The way management was handled after we all left seemed like a ship on fire, I'm sorry"
"Ami is still a peach, she's so cute, I love Ami"
"I think the community of Tsunderia was one of the best, there was a lot of unity with the other small corpos at that time"
"you guys haven't asked directly but if you do, i have "so much" tea"
A few other noteworthy points Ember mentioned, with added context:
Urara's resignation was the catalyst for Tsunderia's entire Gen 1 collectively agreeing to fuck off.
Ember felt like her needs weren't being met. There was no support other than Urara despite Tsunderia ostensibly having multiple "managers." Urara wasn't even Ember's manager initially, that was supposed to be Char. On top of that, if I remember correctly after Gen 2 or 3 Urara was saddled with the responsibility of managing ALL of the talents.
Confirms Urara was basically carrying the company. "Management WAS Urara. Urara did EVERYTHING." Yet despite the other managers basically shoving all the work onto her, Urara has mentioned that they would still veto/push back on her ideas for the company.
No ads. Barely any merch. The no ads thing is weird considering they did run ads for Kamiko Kana back when Tsunderia was first announced. Maybe they thought there wasn't enough immediate return to be worth it? Regarding merch, Urara had asked for a detailed merch plan and basically got "it's too haaaaard I don't wannaaaaa" as a response.
Conversely, Phase turned out to be the exact environment Ember was hoping for. The things she never got from Tsunderia were "immediate opportunities" when she joined Phase.
Doesn't think anything she says was "that spicy" despite calling a former Tsunderia manager a groomer. She literally made a secret mod group without said manager so she could operate on her own.
Implies that even after the groomer manager was fired, management secretly kept him around? First I've heard of this, but there's a post on /vt/ claiming PPP rehired S-Train as "Brandy" a year after firing him, so it may be true.
All this is just "the tip of the iceberg," says there's "spicier" stuff.
I recall some people wondering how Tsunderia ultimately failed when they were in such a good position to capture the Western vtubing market. Ember's testimony supports the boring but most probable answer: poor management from a "company" that was likely just some random group of friends who fell ass-first into a great opportunity and weren't able to capitalize on it.
It really puts Ria/Rosemi's departure into perspective and explains why Urara seemed generally understanding of the situation despite some fans seething about the supposed "betrayal." A 2% or whatever cut of merch is probably still better than no merch at all.
Also for the fucking love of god WHY ARE YOU FUCKING GETTING MODS OFF OF DISCORD/REDDIT!? I know the meme is "they do it for free" but come the fuck on, stop it, you're always gonna end up with a creep or it will turn into a creep.
The kicker is, S-Train wasn't some random Reddit superfan they gave mod powers to, he was an actual manager/CCO at the company. He discovered Kana through one of the Youtube ads they ran for her (lol the irony) and wanted to become a mod for her as she didn't have any at the time. In the process he got in touch with PPP, who turned out to be someone he "had known for years previously," and from there he got more involved and eventually became the CCO.
Ember asked "how do you get fired from a job you volunteered for" but the dude legitimately quit his 40-hour-a-week day job to focus on Tsunderia stuff and seemed to handle most of their PR early on, so I think it's more accurate to say he was a real employee. Which, considering all the stuff about him trying to groom/manipulate multiple talents, is probably worse lol.
Source of S-Train origins: this AMA from the very early days of Tsunderia. Kind of interesting to look back and compare their initial statements about growing the company to what actually ended up happening.
If Proctor really wants to find the reddest and most remote area Utah would be right up his alley. If you can deal with Mormons and not being able to get a cup of coffee much less a drink, you'll be able to find a tradwife to birth you a litter in no time!
Fuck man I hope Nina goes indie I'm not worried about her backsliding into her Monkeyism bs cause I believe her when she said that she wasn't happy in that circle
Have some Airi floof to cheer up
Ember being cute while praising the Spoodermama
Chat reflects streamer and in this case Airi's chat full of fellow coders bullying her with Code
I question the assumption that Holostars is unprofitable. It's not the insane ROI they get on some of the girls, but the guys are still profitable for the company in both Revenue and TAM. They also seem to be useful at keep Matsuri corralled.
Holostars is nowhere near the Hololive girls when it comes to profit to be awfully honest, but one metric you could use to compare their success is the JP male VTubers market and that's where you'll realize they're doing relatively decent if not worse.
That and how some of them are deep in TRPG community, even if they're notably small it is still one of the most solid community among all JP communities out there
So...i looked around the homeland and vt's archive, and i couldn't find any of this but last night i found an inactive channel which was used by dottovu and one of her friends (a girl that goes by ace) to upload some stuff. (reply shortened)
Just for the sake of it, here's a few things I've learned about her:
She dropped the Ace name about two years ago and focused more on art under the name Cremmeart. Instagramarchive
At the very least, they were still friends when Dott became Seru Kisen, as evident by the art she made for her.
There are no interactions between her and Dott as Cremmeart, just art for her a few times. I did a whole lot of scouring, so don't go following her thinking you'll see much of anything.
The good news is she's active, but just barely. Her twitter likes show tweets from as recently as June 12. Whether her and Dott are still friends is something I'm not sure of, but I want to believe they are.
I also found this.
Never do this. Maybe the guy had very little left in him, but doing this to someone whose content made you happy is just... wrong.
and whatever this is has me scratching my head. She was replying to Dottovu, just an FYI. At least she's okay now. archive
I saw some comments on /vt/ being surprised that Ember is Asian, so I thought I dig up my post from last year on the farms on what she has previously shared in public.
It's not a secret that Ember Amane is formerly known as Yazaki Kallin. She was also part of the 1st generation of Tsunderia. When she quit Tsunderia she announced on Twitter that she is going to 'incorporate' more personal or irl stuff in her streams.
My KW post:
Larger screenshot of the tweet:
I don't think this is a dox, since Ember/Kallin posted this on her twitter last year and even pinned it, it's now deleted.
I will now take this opportunity to accuse any girls that people want in Phase to be uggos because they haven't gotten in yet. Yes, this includes Lisa and the Chinchilla.
View attachment 32893
Never do this. Maybe the guy had very little left in him, but doing this to someone whose content made you happy is just... wrong.
I can't speak too much on this without powerlevelling more than I care to, but some people I know have dealt with an individual who followed them sending them all a suicide note at once, and it's an awful situation to be in given when you only know someone by an online handle and know nothing about where they are or how to contact them there is literally nothing you can do to stop it. It's an incredibly selfish way to go out and I have no sympathy for people who use their emotional distress to cross boundaries like that.
Having an automated message sent after they've died is just as bad because while you can't convince yourself you could have stopped it when you only heard after the fact, you're still burdened with heavy emotional feelings from someone who otherwise was just a fan of your work and should have kept a professional distance from you.
Depression and suicide are complex topics that I don't have answers for, but I can't respect carelessness that affects others. It's like when people throw themselves on railway tracks, no shit onlookers will be traumatised by it.
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