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One of the girls mentioned that they had big things coming for offkai and I guess they weren't kidding. I like to compare idol and phase when it comes to grow and I always find hilarious how phase's grow seems more legit than the jew corp steamrolling everything with money. Fishman has done the convention circuit for a while and I guess it pays off enough to be able to sponsor a con now.
Happened to know a guy that did the con sales scene. Also one of the weirder voice chat "hey, so what do you do?" responses. If you can't guess, he was a seller primarily of hentai and hentai goods at American Anime Cons. Made really good money too, so I have an idea of the economics. If Fishman shows up with the right goods, for that big of a spot, he can both clear through all of them and probably fund operations for the year. The fact that there's an entire network of Streamers to do Marketing for the Offkai really, really helps.
Also, for some context, Cover made like 80 mil USD profit off the HoloFes 4. There's a good chunk of money to made, if you know what you're doing. Plus, Fishman can ensure he still has people to play League and Mahjong with. So, win-win for him.
I like to think:
1 her pregnant friend (a really close friend) had a woman moment and was a cunt to her.
2 her family said to her something like "get a real job" or "marry that shark already".
3 her friends told her something she didn't like.
4 she thinks she needs to distance herself from people as to not get hurt if they do something awful to her.
Rushia is almost definitely going to end up in a sex industry. She has zero skills in anything that doesn't involve milking paypigs. She is too menhera to stay at an office job without causing drama and getting fired repeatedly. Eventually her current paypigs find newer and cuter GFE target and abandon her. And then it's either getting laid by fat old ugly sugar daddy (or daddies) or being a whore. Even host club is unlikely as, again, she is too menhera to work in a group. Also regular jobs aren't going to pay even remotely enough for the lifestyle she is accustomed to, and the intersection between high pay and low skill for women is very thin
I'd look at what happens to Japanese idols or actresses or other similar industries to find the answer to what happens after being a celebrity.
Option 1) Marry, family, kids. Many talents are around the age where this is an attractive option, and minor celebrity status makes the talents of higher value as a partner than if they weren't a talent.
Option 2) Vtubing or showbiz work. Expect to see a few talents transition to talent management (field experience, networks, and working directly with talent management in the past being extremely helpful), performing (all that experience singing would be helpful) and voice acting work (voice acting, singing experience and training, and minor celebrity status being their drawcards).
Option 3) Carry on with a previous career, transition into a new regular career, or use a degree earnt while working as a part-time vtuber. Expect this for people that want a complete break from the industry, weren't successful at option 2, or just never quite made it.
Mike, unfortunately, strikes me as one that would end up in the AV industry. We joke about the Menhara, but I honestly think being able to cultivate online attention has functionally ruined her neurology. She's clearly addicted to attention and would keep escalating things until it's too far.
General note that youtube has been on a bit of a warpath demonetizing clip channels for "Reused Content". It's not at the level of community happenings but could affect vtubers themselves as they have a symbiotic relationship. Also, some of the clippers I watch spend money on the vtubers as well so it's good they make money from views.
Fuck off youtube intern [I realize it's an algorithm/AI doing this but let's call this a superstition to ward off annoying people] Ahoge - also mentioned that they had a previous clipping channel for Hololive and will be moving to a new one HAI - now Onion Dealer Jshay - no update but a great look at why monetization is important beyond $ Oboretai - new clip channel (ironic as the clipper has always said the channel wasn't primarily for clipping) PomuSweat - appeal denied Slow Berry - they are fighting it Vtuber Galaxy - now Vtuber Universe
I believe Azehara also said they got demonetized...
Does anyone have instances of channels translating EN vtubers to their language running into similar issues?
I didn't see the EN version of this popular song here yet
Coyo is cute
At some level, this does seem like a trend that YT has noticed and is working to push down. Clip channels actually were hyper-charging Vtubers, to the point that nearly all big creators made their own Clips channels because of the effect it has on the Algo. I am, however, noticing a lot less of those clip channels showing up. There's clearly been action taken, and a demonetized channel is basically dead to the Algo.
That's not quite what's happening. But Japan will shrink until it settles around the 70-80 million population range. That's really all the island can support at current crop production yields.
Jelly is having a pre-midlife crisis while trying to convince chat she's not that old by acting like a zoomer, and chat told her that her impression is outdated (specifically, her useage of the term "swag", which hasn't been a thing since the late 2000's)
She is now going off about how she doesn't believe it's been 15 years since flappy bird was taken offline, and is repeating variations of "I'm not old" over and over again
Hag stocks rising, invest now
EDIT: she is now coping that the Xbox 360 is 20 years old, the Wii is 22, you can practically hear her turn to dust as the stream progresses
The Day was a really good opening song. I only got into MHA at the tail end of senior year but apparently it's completely went to shit in the past few years. That's a shame.
Mike, unfortunately, strikes me as one that would end up in the AV industry. We joke about the Menhara, but I honestly think being able to cultivate online attention has functionally ruined her neurology. She's clearly addicted to attention and would keep escalating things until it's too far.
I'd probably make a separate account for your personal youtube stuff because I can see a bunch of your playlists on there.
I also think you should create a twitter account of the same name and start tweeting out Airi clips and tagging her in them. Hopefully she, or other Airi fans will notice you and tweet out her clips to spread the good word, and Airi has more content for her twitter account.
I don't know why I agonize myself reading /vt/shitters' thoughts on the liveshow. This was a pretty good live and while I wouldn't consider Watame as objectively good as someone like Suisei/Risu she's still my favorite singer overall. The anniversaries are usually where the big celebrations happen because that's the "actual" birthday for for the vtuber.
Good live, just wish Watame was a bit more brave in song choice. Less jpop and more unique songs. She's a great singer and needs to branch out out of the comfort zone.
I dunno man, her luck seems like it goes out of its way to kick her in the teeth sometimes, even when she is trying not to make it worse. >
Rushia marries into a religion
It's Aum Shinrikyo
I don't know why I agonize myself reading /vt/shitters' thoughts on the liveshow. This was a pretty good live and while I wouldn't consider Watame as objectively good as someone like Suisei/Risu she's still my favorite singer overall. The anniversaries are usually where the big celebrations happen because that's the "actual" birthday for for the vtuber.
I love Watame because since early on she's had a dream that she hasn't given up on. And as time goes on that dream becomes more and more of a reality. And even though it's still a way out it's incredible seeing her growth and her journey. And I agree that she might not as be as good as Suisei. She's also my favorite singer in Hololive. And since she's been accepted in the fold of Azki, Sora, and Suisei they definitely also see how talented and dedicated she is.
Also in between her Live, Premiere, and Encore, she broke 1.4 Mill.
But I also just like how diverse her actual songs are, from hard rock, multiple rap songs, enka, etc... And also not afraid to sing in English.
I dunno man, her luck seems like it goes out of its way to kick her in the teeth sometimes, even when she is trying not to make it worse. >
Rushia marries into a religion
It's Aum Shinrikyo
Good live, just wish Watame was a bit more brave in song choice. Less jpop and more unique songs. She's a great singer and needs to branch out out of the comfort zone.
I am slowly beginning to get tired of Idol. But I'm also sad cause I thought (hoped) Karen was gonna cover Mephisto from the initial picture she posted. It's the superior Oshi no Ko song but naturally has nowhere near the amount of popularity
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