"I need to shit"Amaris Yuri

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  1. MysticMads

    VTuber Research Study - Participant Recruitment

    Oh that's completely fair. I don't think it's wrong to say that you don't really regularly actively think about some of the things mentioned in the survey. You may passively think about it, or maybe there are instances that you just can't recall (like seeing a video about a certain topic and...
  2. MysticMads

    VTuber Research Study - Participant Recruitment

    Those were just examples, and I just shilled in my own faves, that's it.
  3. MysticMads

    VTuber Research Study - Participant Recruitment

    Thanks! I mean, my thoughts on swifties are practically like my feelings towards any fandom; there's always gonna be a loud, toxic minority that ruins the image of the overall fanbase. That's just a thing that unfortunately happens, and it sucks with how easily some of these people target...
  4. MysticMads

    VTuber Research Study - Participant Recruitment

    Oh for sure; the thing with vTubers specifically as a media personality is the fact that there are a lot of variations in terms of what a vTuber does and the style of content that they do. And that makes it interesting to study about and warrants deeper studies to be done on it. I will be honest...
  5. MysticMads

    VTuber Research Study - Participant Recruitment

    Suisei all day everyday, man
  6. MysticMads

    VTuber Research Study - Participant Recruitment

    Hey, when in Rome, do as the Romans do, yaknow? :smugselen:
  7. MysticMads

    VTuber Research Study - Participant Recruitment

    I was honestly scrambling to find places where people in this niche often gather. I initially asked around vTuber-dedicated discord servers for their permission to post the survey, as well as on other social media platforms. While I was googling for other platforms where people in this niche...
  8. MysticMads

    VTuber Research Study - Participant Recruitment

    The "was a real person" was also something that I had debated on for a while with my supervisor in regards to potential validity issues. I originally wanted to go for something along the lines of 'personally knew you' or 'was here with me,' however, upon conducting some literature review on...
  9. MysticMads

    VTuber Research Study - Participant Recruitment

    I would've honestly loved to have fill-in answers, however, since I'm doing a quantitative study, I am unable to do that. Our uni provides a different course that you need to take if you wanted to do a qualitative study (which fill-in answers would count as such), and I've put off my thesis for...
  10. MysticMads

    VTuber Research Study - Participant Recruitment

    Hi! The reason for the specificity of the requirements is basically just to filter out people who are into vTubers and are into the vtuber niche as opposed to people who just watch vTuber clips. Admittedly, the requirements were purposedfully made to be an easy enough gap to clear for people who...
  11. MysticMads

    VTuber Research Study - Participant Recruitment

    Hello everyone! I’m currently doing an undergraduate research study focusing on the impact of vTuber parasocial relationships on an individual’s mental well-being. If you meet the requirements listed below, please take the time to fill out this survey! It’s completely anonymous, shouldn’t take...
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