"And that is the kind of quality content you can expect on the Pen... yvughmmvhaimAhppa... avVAdduh... heddhumYewchube channel! Thank you very much, I'm gonna go lie down and die now"Rin Penrose

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  1. 1

    1979 joins the fourm to a-log superduper archive

    I'm not pussying out I genuinely do not care enough to dig and get into it. With how the average forum user here interacts I have no desire to stick around. There's a severe lack of effort in posting outside of a handful who come mostly to dump news and fuck off. I like them more. As per...
  2. 1

    1979 joins the fourm to a-log superduper archive

    1. It's a throwaway. 2. Apologies Mr. Frank I will now conform to the forum standard of editing my old posts with new replies hours later. 3. Getting blocked means I win. :pippaseethe;
  3. 1

    1979 joins the fourm to a-log superduper archive

    @CalciumAnimal You are seemingly incapable of having a discussion that stretches longer than three sentences. You'll get your wish soon enough, don't worry. Overall I don't care and think you idiots are harmless. You're more a danger to yourselves than others. The degree to which you shout into...
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    1979 joins the fourm to a-log superduper archive

    I don't care about attention retard. I'll be deleting this account soon enough. Nice job ignoring everything with a low quality comment that makes BFE tweet replies look high effort. You're one of them.
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    1979 joins the fourm to a-log superduper archive

    They're anonymous. He has a post history. I need do no such thing. Do you pride yourself on building a hugbox away from criticism or fault? This forum has all the downsides of the farms with none of the checks and balances on collective idiocy. You don't have global mods or Null popping in to...
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    1979 joins the fourm to a-log superduper archive

    Your response would be retarded anyway. I've seen the shit you write. You're one of the biggest containment breaking faggots I've ever seen with how often you skirt the edges of PL and RM posting.
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    1979 joins the fourm to a-log superduper archive

    The difference between the average /pcg/ post and the superduper /pcg/ post is that the random user says it as a joke, and knows it's a joke. @superduper isn't joking.
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    1979 joins the fourm to a-log superduper archive

    You should learn how to read. I know it's tough reading things that aren't at a grade school level but with practice and hard work you'll get there. I believe in you, SEAYamanba.
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    1979 joins the fourm to a-log superduper archive

    Only that you should probably make a new alt before Remi's next stream.
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    1979 joins the fourm to a-log superduper archive

    This is what is known as projection and deflection. You got caught and need a way out in order to not make yourself look like the schizo femboy you are. It's not a rrat, it's your own admission that you shat up /pcg/ with rape posts and telling her to kill herself. Now you've reached the point...
  11. 1

    You post constantly on /pcg/ about wanting to rape and murder Rie, lie about said /pcg/ usage...

    You post constantly on /pcg/ about wanting to rape and murder Rie, lie about said /pcg/ usage while linking to yourself, and obsessively stalk and dox the girl because she... ? No one here knows, but I'm the schizo for calling you out on it. I'm waiting for the bad philosophy and Disney villain...
  12. 1

    1979 joins the fourm to a-log superduper archive

    I think it goes much deeper than you'd expect. Nobody becomes that obsessive without a deeper seated mental issue. He's already questionable for his unrequited love of the (fake) Remilia Nephys GFE. The man has set himself up for an absolute banger of a meltdown and I can't wait to see the...
  13. 1

    1979 joins the fourm to a-log superduper archive

    Yet another retard with the reading comprehension of a ham sandwich. I was calling myself an outsider, idiot. If your "in-joke" is being unable to comprehend a basic English sentence then bravo, you really fit in. I'm bored and can't sleep. My main focus is in calling out @superduper as I...
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    1979 joins the fourm to a-log superduper archive

    My nigga you thirst for a girl to get dicked down by horses. I fuck with insane schizos. We are not the same. Why should I or anyone else believe you given your activities? Do you think a schizo would willingly admit to their schizo activities? Until proven otherwise all evidence points to you...
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    1979 joins the fourm to a-log superduper archive

    I know this is SEAYamanba hours but damn. The average reading comprehension level in this thread so far would make a preschooler feel ashamed. If you idiots aren't coming together to counter-troll the outsider then may God have mercy on your brown souls.
  16. 1

    1979 joins the fourm to a-log superduper archive

    I hope this is ESL and you aren't actually that retarded. No, dumbfuck, I'm not accusing him of being Rie. I am accusing him of selfposting his shit on /pcg/ for attention. I am now giving him that attention in order to egg him on further into insanity.
  17. 1

    1979 joins the fourm to a-log superduper archive

    It's not my fault your mind is rotted by Yamanbaspeak. Until I'm writing in third-person about myself I don't think I can ever reach the majesty of His Royal Prince Lelouch Zero Frollo Vader Anakin Ponylord or whatever the fuck he goes by now.
  18. 1

    1979 joins the fourm to a-log superduper archive

    So let me get this straight. You spend days of your life here posting about how much you hate Rie and want to see her suffer, are an admitted active /pcg/ user, and during a time where you're ramping up your doxxing and schizoposting efforts there just so happens to be a series of posts of your...
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    1979 joins the fourm to a-log superduper archive

    According to a simple search you are claimed to be a /pcg/ regular. https://thevirtualasylum.xenforo.cloud/threads/general-vtuber-discussion.1/page-2350#post-61192 I look forward to seeing your schizophrenic breakdown, good sir. Kindly become a highly entertaining sideshow for me.
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    1979 joins the fourm to a-log superduper archive

    You should know how to use the archives the post number is right there in the corner. Not doing yourself any favors there. https://archive.palanq.win/vt/thread/46741549/#q46742306 I hate jews and want nothing to do with that company. You've got the wrong schizo.
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