I see niggas decided to go turbo autism to find her :Vesper-UNHINGED: Also let this be a lesson in female dynamics. When a group of girls keep saying someone in their group is super cute and they keep gassing her up. Said girl is the ugliest of their group but she is a sweetheart, since they...
I said it like a year or so ago. If cover didn't cool it with their idol shit a lot of girls would eventually get fed up and bail. Not saying they wouldn't be up for the idol shit but the way they seem to set it up is to be all year doing the whole song and dance. It also sucks mumei probably...
I'm all for shaming whores I just want to point out that Ember might've turned into one because her parents cut her college tuition after she failed a class or her grades were bad. At least the timeline sorta fits IIRC, she mended her relationship with her mom but from bits and pieces mentioned...
No nigga. Pick me is the to go insult by femoids against other femoids since time immemorial. Almost any vtuber that "panders" to men has gotten called a pick me because in female culture, women who run with men only do so because they want them to pick them instead of the ones outside of the...
the timing of the posts and jelly's small break coupled with the grievances tweet really points at something. Sure it isn't 100% confirmed but it doesn't look good at all for clara. I believe it because I know how her kind operates but if others need more to grab the pitchfork I understand.
I mean it doesn't look like clara has any blatant favoritism like elira and her pack of scum. If anything I think invaders might have some favoritism since they all have 2 outfits, 3 if you count the one dizzy made for them and then there's lumi trying to dethrone iron lung from her "outfits for...
I vaguely remember airi saying she wanted to do a kr only stream so I hope it's that otherwise I'm gonna fedpost like motherfucker.
I had her monster hunter stream on the background and something of note is that she said she now has 2.5 jobs :fishmandispair: and that she would use her pto to...
you mean fourth female host :smugpipi:
Also I agree with that poster. This should be ALSO a jelly appreciation thread. Here have her singing this song I had no idea it existed but I've listened to her singing it like 20 times
For the niggas like me who love low poly shit I bring you beta decay
The game was on my radar for a year now and from the description it sounds like they're aiming for a living world, think star citizen without the scams and lower in scope. Seems like they're gonna launch early access this year...
Can you blame them? They tried nepotism once and bitch was mia for half her contract and still fucked off when her contract was up. It would be interesting if she ends up in invaders 3 though
aren't koreans some flavor of very conservative christians? I've noticed it too but I've always attributed to her trying to follow my nigga fishman's rules. It wouldn't surprise me if she is still a bit religious, some people I've met never bring it up but once in a while they flashbang you with...
First of all :pikafaku::pikafaku::pikafaku: Airi is fucking great!!
I might've missed it but knowing her she probably missed them because she's autistically shy, I've heard people say wearing a mask made it better for their social anxieties. In general she does have libtard brainrot but she...
If she's politisperging multiple times a day I think the likelihood of a melty on main is very high which I thought it was great. In a perfect world she'd insult phase's audience and everyone tells her to fuck off, the other talents distance themselves and clara eventually quits, bonus points if...
Ah man I'm happy she seems to be doing ok. I may not watch her but she always seemed like a sweet girl. Hope things get better for her:pomuLove::pomuLove::pomuLove::pomuLove::pomuLove:
FUCK CLARA :Mumei-REE::Mumei-REE::Mumei-REE::Mumei-REE::Mumei-REE:
To counteract the usual shit on clara content I took a dive into the tag. Here are more clips you'll never see in phase weekly because the host cannot be bothered to learn how to search the tag :kaelaapprob:
Special shoutout to Dsin clips for being an absolute trooper and becoming a...
I will forever live with the shame of throwing jelly into the trash due to her debut voice without knowing the absolute diamond she is :urtearingmeapart::urtearingmeapart::urtearingmeapart::urtearingmeapart::urtearingmeapart:
Remi is cool too but yeah her voice I cannot stand at all. I don't...
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