"YouTube is so funny you get the people screaming because they have never seen someone stream longer than 3 hours and then there’s people making a fuss about politics because a literal computer in a video game is neither male or female"Moriko Kyoho

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  1. quint

    The Offkai 2024 Blacklisting Debacle (and other possible scandals)

    sad for foxwomanthing. but holy shit if people didn't tell her time and time again, that fucking with protective warding of whodom will bite her supple behind very hard. yeah, she has whole discovering bridge now (which nobody gives her credit for as far, i could glean), but on the other hand...
  2. quint


    hope she sees the numbers and won't be That afraid of jumping platforms if all goes down
  3. quint


    Kir hears the forbidden words everywhere by now i imagine
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