"You guys are just like, what do you call it, 'firegassing' me"IRyS

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  1. Kanada Cilla Choo

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    I re-emerge from my long stasis to laugh at these faggots and mald that no foxgirls are in the lineup. One day....
  2. Kanada Cilla Choo

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    I mean, the whole murder thing was why I started liking him, so... Fedposting aside I mean, Ted was abit too schizo to be a Politician and was faaaar too honest.
  3. Kanada Cilla Choo

    A non-pozzed writing thread

    I'll make a small comment on Fantasy settings to trigger some interesting conversation. I have alot of controversial thoughts on Fantasy, and Fantasy races are surprisingly the more tepid of my opinions. There is nothing wrong with using just basic Races (Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs)...
  4. Kanada Cilla Choo

    A non-pozzed writing thread

    I decided to make this thread after thinking on this thread for awhile, if there really is a lack of good writing communities, why not just make our own thread on it? This is a thread for writers to gather and talk about their work, Vtuber related or not, engage in mass debates, share ideas and...
  5. Kanada Cilla Choo

    Send me any and all cute SFW foxgirl art, no furries

    Send me any and all cute SFW foxgirl art, no furries
  6. Kanada Cilla Choo

    I wish you well and hope you recover from this incident

    I wish you well and hope you recover from this incident
  7. Kanada Cilla Choo

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    If you're art dumping I'm friend posting
  8. Kanada Cilla Choo

    Please tell me there are non-pozzed fan/writing/anime communities out there.

    My usual way of talking about writing is to do it in small Discord Servers, where people can understand the creative vision you're going for while still calling out shitty writing and giving actual critiques of what you're making. Alternatively you can get s group of friends but that comes with...
  9. Kanada Cilla Choo

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Several people on a Discord server I'm in spammed general when this was posted.
  10. Kanada Cilla Choo

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    I'm so glad the Magging meme actually worked, his content isn't my cup of tea but those boys deserved their fair chance
  11. Kanada Cilla Choo

    Vidya Games Thread

  12. Kanada Cilla Choo

    I appreciate your efforts to herd retards

    I appreciate your efforts to herd retards
  13. Kanada Cilla Choo

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    I finally caved and made an account, I'll still probably be around the farms mostly but if I feel like lurking and the Farms are down I'll hop over here, nice to see you cunts.
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