"You plead the fifth? More like you plead the fourth!"Ninomae Ina'nis

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  1. bananabreadbowl

    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    Management dragging their feet again (after she just let them do so)? I'm so shocked. Could not have seen this coming, truly. There is nothing anyone could have done to prevent this.
  2. bananabreadbowl

    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    If she weren't a coward she would have pulled the trigger anyway is all I'm saying. Continuing to play along after that point is just proving that you're all talk no bite imo. Is it technically within her deadline? Sure, but yeah man reinforce that they can do the bare minimum and you'll keep...
  3. bananabreadbowl

    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    Sounds like management waited until last minute to respond, like usual. I would have been surprised if she outright left or didn't just vaguepost more after the deadline, so I'm not entirely surprised she appears to be staying in any case. Archive
  4. bananabreadbowl

    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    It's a weird mix of overly fearing NDAs and I assume not wanting to chance getting blacklisted or anything. And ex-talents wanting to just pretend their stints at VRev didn't happen. Not that I imagine anything anyone at VRev says holds any weight at this point, so I think it's more being...
  5. bananabreadbowl

    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    Once again, no one deserves to be put through the wringer through this, the staff should burn for putting all of the girls through this, etc etc But she (and everyone else in that gen AFAIK) were very explicitly warned when gen 3 auditions rolled around and they insisted that nothing bad would...
  6. bananabreadbowl

    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    Kinda curious how she's gonna pull it off when Salmon wasn't able to, unless it's just a matter of being better at negotiating
  7. bananabreadbowl

    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    Yeah atp I think it's more realistic that we see an alt pop up in the future rather than a return to her PL, if any trace of it even still exists. I could see the girls without a known alt/PL waiting a while before coming forward given Kei and Tenten's tweets and concerns, though.
  8. bananabreadbowl

    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    It feels like each gen management had someone they decided they don't like, honestly.
  9. bananabreadbowl

    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    Yeah I'd say it's fair to call it a sign considering the former Gen 1 and 2 members were keeping themselves equally busy right before graduation announcements. Gotta make sure your ducks are all in a row and condition your audience to look for your alt for when you inevitably abandon ship.
  10. bananabreadbowl

    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    I see no reason to suspect whatever Proctor sent could have come off as threatening or off-putting as what not-Furi and not-Nova were talking about. Lurking for any amount of time in Twitter replies or any of the affiliated Discord servers is proof enough that their vocal fans, "fans", and...
  11. bananabreadbowl

    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    I'm aware Proctor reached out, but I'm fairly certain it's random idiots just sperging out in their DMs causing the tweets.
  12. bananabreadbowl

    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    I'm gonna trust that most of the people active here have the presence of mind to not tap the glass and that the people in question are just braindead fans. I don't think anyone who will read this are the ones who need to hear it, but I'll say it anyway for any lurkers or people who stumble upon...
  13. bananabreadbowl

    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    An announcement from yesterday in the Gen1/Nova server to add fuel to the "they took the money and ran" fire. Granted, it's not like they've ever handled merch well. But it seems like this time it's especially bad.
  14. bananabreadbowl

    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    Management definitely exists and they're not related to any current or former talents AFAIK. Well, exists is a strong word given their absence, but yeah. No idea of Lasakat or Hetaro's relationship to each other, but I've heard mention of relatives being brought in for conventions or something...
  15. bananabreadbowl

    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    Gonna throw out the possibility that it's a V&U girl. There's a couple accs I see Yumia interact with including Goobi who appears to be a Gen4 V&U girl (Zeli), Mocha, and Noriko. I have absolutely nothing for Noriko, but Mocha's Twitch page mentions that she stopped streaming in June of 2023 due...
  16. bananabreadbowl

    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    Honestly it seems more straightforward with this gen at least. Looks like management went full send on being absolutely useless this time. I got the impression that they had been dickheads to a few of the girls behind the scenes (Akiko got it especially bad AFAIK) but I seriously doubt they've...
  17. bananabreadbowl

    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    Didn't Furi have VReverie in her display name at some point? Might be nothing, but would really funny to see the whole gen walk out barely 3 months in
  18. bananabreadbowl

    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    I've gotta say, if nothing else I'm impressed at the management's ability to find new and innovative ways to disappoint and fail their talents.
  19. bananabreadbowl

    vReverie Implosion Watch - Cheri Lupina and Erika Byakko graduation announced, other talents suddenly on PL accounts

    Had management handled Kudoboards in the past for their talents? I was always under the impression that mods had arranged those, but I could be wrong there. I don't know for certain so take this with a grain of salt, but I've heard that Scarlett was a facecam streamer/not a vtuber before...
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