"Why Kattarina Qutie is Wifey Material? All things listed below are 100% true. Agreeing with the list forces marriage."Kattarina Qutie

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  1. VSoyBoy

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    I think this could be funny but it will probably fail in being genuinely scary, if that's what they're going for:
  2. VSoyBoy

    Hololive General

    Is it too soon to bring up this tweet?
  3. VSoyBoy

    Rosemi Lovelock & Friends General [aka Nijisanji General]

    Noctyx are having their own free 3D (2D Fulgur) concert in two days.
  4. VSoyBoy

    Vidya Games Thread

    They also released a 20+ minute deep dive video, including a lengthy interview with the director and a look back on the original:
  5. VSoyBoy

    General Thread v4mirai: Brought to you by Brave

    Nintendo are already in a catch-22 because if they don't allow gay relationships again they'll get the same flak as last time but harder, and if they allow gay relationships they'll catch different but no less stupid flak from the "go woke, go broke" crowd.
  6. VSoyBoy

    Discord Degeneracy (And Degeneracy in general) Containment Zone

    What would they take issue with? As in, why should they care? As I've said before, I don't think there's ever been a VTuber who's had a bad opinion about Zen. So if there's nothing weird going on behind the scenes, there's nothing to complain about, is there?
  7. VSoyBoy

    Vshojo General Thread V1 - Thread Creation Freedom.

    'Twas Michi's birthday and she got a really nice 3D model with plenty of cool expressions that she of course used to mime grabbing booba: Kuro is going to watch the Nintendo Direct right now:
  8. VSoyBoy

    Vidya Games Thread

    Direct in about 20 mins: Have a mysterious Sakurai tweet saying "hmmmm" to get your hopes up:
  9. VSoyBoy

    Hololive General

    Do you think KSON collaborating with Axel is the start of something that could perhaps end in interactions with main branch Holos someday, or does it not go beyond Stars EN in a group setting?
  10. VSoyBoy

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    I mean, I'm pretty sure this website technically doesn't comply with the GDPR either and that's a much bigger fish.
  11. VSoyBoy

    Vshojo General Thread V1 - Thread Creation Freedom.

    Mochi's birthday is soon and she's getting a Chibi 3D for the occasion:
  12. VSoyBoy

    Rosemi Lovelock & Friends General [aka Nijisanji General]

    Probably a bit early to attribute anything to his experiments, but he at least seems to be happy so far: He's also getting a new outfit in the near future: Three of By The Beat have already gotten to 100K subscribers: Fulgur's birthday is tomorrow and he'll celebrate together with Ren...
  13. VSoyBoy

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Right now the VShojo thread is me posting stuff and maybe 10 people reading it on a good day. If I made a dedicated Kuro thread it would be me posting stuff and at best one other person reading it, and that would be BASADO to migo it. At that point I might as well post all my thoughts into a txt...
  14. VSoyBoy

    General Thread v4mirai: Brought to you by Brave

    I think I'll look for gay furries elsewhere. It's not worth it.
  15. VSoyBoy

    Kaminari Clara, Owner of Chuds - Memorial Post Dump

    Welcome back. Kind of poetic that you leave after a Clara sperg out (which turned into a Proctor sperg out) and the thing that you return to is yet another Clara sperg out (no Proctor sperg out yet).
  16. VSoyBoy

    General Thread v4mirai: Brought to you by Brave

    Where is it exactly? I couldn't find it.
  17. VSoyBoy

    Hololive General

    I can think of one. Unrelated, but I wonder what corpo Milky could join to get closer to her crush...
  18. VSoyBoy

    Hololive General

    Milky is graduating. So it's their final one together.
  19. VSoyBoy

    Rosemi Lovelock & Friends General [aka Nijisanji General]

    Ryoma is really trying to fetch an audience and is doing some stuff I haven't seen from Nijis before to do it. First was his starting to multi stream on twitch and YouTube, and since then he also started doing admittedly kinda cringe, but I guess proven effective algorithm bait titles. And now...
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