"The second (college) roommate I had literally admitted her undying love for me; She texted me too, we were sitting on our beds right next to each other but she texted me that gay shit, I was like wow... wow, I just texted her back 'you're my roommate' and then I just walked away, byeee... and the following year I had to room in with her lol"Sena Bonbon

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  1. gftty

    AkioAIR: Hiring a minor was only the tip of the mismanagement iceberg. How to destroy an agency in under 1 month.

    I've watched Metorial since she left akio, she definitely hinted having projects with friends (I don't remember if she mentioned Megu) so I was expecting her debuting in Megu's project. Unfortunately life hasn't been too good for her recently and she's lost all motivation to do anything, I hope...
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