"Just don't be homeless"Ouro Kronii

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  1. Gintoki

    TVA Secret Santa

    Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas, everyone! Thanksgiving is over, so now it is officially the start of the Christmas season and the start of the first ever TVA Secret Santa! Here are the rules: 1. If you wish to participate then you must sign up by 11:59 pm PST on December 2nd. You can sign up by...
  2. Gintoki

    Gabriel Kroniig / @GabrielKonig7

    Gabriel Kroniig, formerly known as Gabriel Konig, is a well known and notorious member of Ouro Kronii's fan community. Allegedly, Gabe is a thirty-something year old man from a wealthy family living in Southeast Asia. He started showing up in Kronii's streams around September of 2021 and used to...
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