"I shit myself so much I died"Houshou Marine

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  1. Murrayしないで

    Yume+: A clueless CEO turns a dream into a nightmare
    Threadmarks: Collapse of Yume+

    The talents can exist without the business, but the business cannot exist without the talents. - Yume+ CEO Dombra Yume+ (pronounced as "yume plus," "yume" being the Japanese word for "dream") was a small corpo who debuted their first generation, REMedy, on March 9, 2024. The generation...
  2. Murrayしないで

    February 16 fundraising event

    I've been thinking of doing some sort of fundraising stream/event this February 16 (which will be a Friday) for a children's charity. (There's no particular significance to this date or relation to events that I have been upset about in the past. Don't worry about it.) For charities, Mizu...
  3. Murrayしないで

    2023: Year in Review

    Let's build a chronological list of all the noteworthy events that happened in 2023. I'll start, and hopefully you all can reply with things I missed as I go along. Note that this is a not-so-subtle ploy to get you all to help me come up with stream content. I'll be going over this list either...
  4. Murrayしないで

    Murray Introduces RPLAY! The latest Black Company on the block!

    Yeah, ha ha ha, it's just a silly alternative streaming site. There's no way this could lead me down another time-sucking rabbit hole of drama and mismanag-- https://ghostarchive.org/archive/itSe4 GOD-- https://ghostarchive.org/archive/nkGDK GOD DAMN IT TO--...
  5. Murrayしないで

    CyberIdol & Q_Quillz/AmeliaDxrk/AstreRxse/MikoDayoooo/others: Serial "agency" founder and art scammer (not very good at either)

    Proctor Edit: This drama has reached far beyond this forum and has affected seemingly dozens of isolated groups. Many people with zero knowledge of anything but their own small part in it and equally little knowledge of this site are turning up here to get the larger story. Please be nice to...
  6. Murrayしないで

    AkioAIR: Hiring a minor was only the tip of the mismanagement iceberg. How to destroy an agency in under 1 month.

    AkioAIR was a small Taiwan-based agency with English-speaking streamers. The company's CEO was Jason Kuo (郭宇軒). They made a really stupid decision by hiring a minor to be a part of their second generation, or "season," of talents, and after tweeting that they had made that decision, all of their...
  7. Murrayしないで

    How to avoid leaking info while streaming

    TL;DR: Use stream-only accounts on consoles and computers. Set up a "BRB" scene in OBS and transition to it when you need to do anything unusual. Disable Windows' "helpful" news and weather widgets. Use window capture instead of desktop capture as much as possible. Avoid capturing web browser...
  8. Murrayしないで

    Video capture and streaming

    I figured I might as well start this thread since nobody else has yet. I've been toying of the idea of getting back in the video-making and streaming game over the past year. One issue I have is that I find the whole process of capturing video to be a pain. It feels like a dice roll to figure...
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