"Ahh the coke air, coke air. You know the coke air? The nooo one. I always, I always order the, the cola. Coca cola and without cola. I always order the cola and without cola. Cola! I like cola, yeah. I always, I always order the, the carbionated cola. Ahh how can I explain? I can explain by my drawing! I always order like the carbionated cola that it has cola on here, this part, the ear. Ear of bottle. And then, I order- wh- when I order cola, the ear- it always have a cola on h- on a top, but I pick up these... away! cause I don't drink it. And then I smell the cola air. Okay? You understand? Understandable! Cola air! yes"Kumagai "Beatani" Chisato

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    Recap Tutorial

    In 2 parts, first is a theoretical bs, second is a how-to, step by step guide. Part 1 Theoretical bs --- Why though? Helps people who are late to the party and want to catch up. This is the main goal of the Recap. Helps people who search for the info and have a rough idea of when it was...
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