"'Are you lonely?' YES... y...no, of course not, I just like to hug my blankets OK?"Fujikura Uruka

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  1. Gorilla Drip

    Getting Nihongo Jouzu

    In a way, that is actually true but just like Postal rrat said, it's completely unfeasable and I have no idea why anybody would subject themselves to it. The misunderstanding these people have is that by just watching subtitled anime you'll be learning japanese. This is absolutely false. As you...
  2. Gorilla Drip

    Getting Nihongo Jouzu

    Will follow suit with recommending basically any slow-talking anime that's not just SoL. I really don't enjoy the genre personally and after a bit also got bored with it. Try Mushi-shi, Kino no Tabi, Elaina or whatever in that vein, you might like them. They're actually difficult to understand...
  3. Gorilla Drip

    Getting Nihongo Jouzu

    I think this is due to the fact that language learning progress isn't a straight line, but rather messy. Just interacting with the language means moving forward, and some days it'll feel like you gained no progress and others it'll feel like you made a giant leap forward without having done...
  4. Gorilla Drip

    Getting Nihongo Jouzu

    My bad for making it seem like you did. I was just explaining why they usually start with it in academic/traditional learning enviornment. I think both are valid options, but I think changing now might pose a problem with having to recalibrate stuff, my intention was primarily to clarify why...
  5. Gorilla Drip

    Getting Nihongo Jouzu

    There is a few reasons for why these are taught early-on in most classical resources. 1. It's easy to conjugate them. The endings are all the same for all the verbs, so the japanese think it's easier for us dumb gaijins to start there. Plain form requires you to know at least three different...
  6. Gorilla Drip

    Nijisanji L Collection

    I have never read anything more petty than this. it got a few laughs out of me, though, not gonna lie. Kinda mad the supposed internal harrassment the entire document is supposed to show is basically null, she just says "Luca harressed people" with no proof or details. I agree that they're both...
  7. Gorilla Drip

    Pochi Calls Out Idol Corp

    This is pretty clear damage control after leaving Aviel's name in lmao, but sure Pochi. I agree that I find her narrative difficult to believe honestly.
  8. Gorilla Drip

    Pochi Calls Out Idol Corp

    New post with new info just dropped archive UPDATE: Did she remove it in a matter of minutes? Good thing I archived it
  9. Gorilla Drip

    Getting Nihongo Jouzu

    I'm not sure where I'm yet but I'm at a very similar pace to yours. I set my mining deck to 15 cards/day maximum (more and I'm literally unable to comprehend anything anymore) but I usually mine a bit less. I do suggest you review everything you have and reduce instead the new words per day...
  10. Gorilla Drip

    Getting Nihongo Jouzu

    I very much don't, but no pain no gain. Right...? At least she speaks the clearest. Yuki (the few times she talks) drops a line of 5-8 kanji you have to decipher. One time even Kyon was dumbfounded by her picking random kanji from the dictionary. Jokes aside I just chose material that was close...
  11. Gorilla Drip

    Getting Nihongo Jouzu

    Despite my earlier longpost, I thought of making another once since a decently big new tool for JP learners has just been released. In short, a new beginner anki deck just released. It aims to fix the faults of both Core 2.3k and Tango N5 while keeping the utility of both, with the intention of...
  12. Gorilla Drip

    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    Personally I don't believe this due to the doubts the people above me posted, but I'd like to say I'm curious about how Elira and the viper gang got ahold of the screens shown in the video in the first place. I believe it's likely there was a mediator and it's the one that did the screens, even...
  13. Gorilla Drip

    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    Technically a Vshojo talent. Really, just a vtuber experiment for Sydsnap which basically still does her thing on her main account. Weird company, I know
  14. Gorilla Drip

    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    Garnt's wife is literally Hime Hajime as far as I'm aware so yeah he's also tending towards Vshojo.
  15. Gorilla Drip

    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    She basically said nothing. Wish this was the PR approach to the whole situation, and not just members posts.
  16. Gorilla Drip

    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    I've never read these many pages in a single day in my entire life. Gonna say, this mess is gonna go down in vtubing history, and what baffles me the most is the fact that for the first time (besides Zaion vs everybody) we see literal factions of talents basically siding against eachother...
  17. Gorilla Drip

    Nijisanji L Collection

    I don't even care for the drama anymore, I just find this line the funniest shit I've ever read > He told me multiple times, in Nijisanji, as Luca, he wanted to "leak" a better selfie of him because he didn't like the one the dox site and others had.
  18. Gorilla Drip

    Evil racist Nijisanji rejects DEI and embraces white supremacy (aka Kyo Kaneko graduation thread)

    One has to wonder where this dude's going after the graduation. Is he ready to make another company worse? Vshojo must be wary. Though if his next prey is Froot I'm fine with it :selenpointandlaugh: Also
  19. Gorilla Drip

    Evil racist Nijisanji rejects DEI and embraces white supremacy (aka Kyo Kaneko graduation thread)

    Didn't know today was my birthday, even the worst of the villains can give you some nice surprises at times :SelenHAHAhere:
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