"You wanna get neutered too?"Pavolia Reine

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    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Ran has already been declared a whore by the vt kawaii thread for interacting with her partner on her company account.
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    AkioAIR: Hiring a minor was only the tip of the mismanagement iceberg. How to destroy an agency in under 1 month.

    With AA essentially dead, closing thoughts: - Good on Fen for getting out early. - Good on Athy for blowing the whistle. - I hope MEW will be OK.
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    AkioAIR: Hiring a minor was only the tip of the mismanagement iceberg. How to destroy an agency in under 1 month.

    Jason confirmed it to False, False showed the DMs on stream. VOD link and archive of the relevant section, including some SNS browsing. Concerning Nophi, there are rumors that she is the reincarnation of Valera Kitsu, former talent of infamously collapsed ZA vtuber agency MysteriaLive. See Page...
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    AkioAIR: Hiring a minor was only the tip of the mismanagement iceberg. How to destroy an agency in under 1 month.

    Athy can't play her cards all at once. Jason may yet go scorched earth and pull a wactor. Going by the amateurish mix of casual and professional english, he is about to blow a gasket. I missed a lot of AA happenings because I left when Fen left, excellent opportunity to catch up.
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    AkioAIR: Hiring a minor was only the tip of the mismanagement iceberg. How to destroy an agency in under 1 month.

    That "lawyer up" stands out like a sore thumb. I wonder who proofread that massive vaguepost.
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    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I missed the time change so when I noticed she started early, I could only get about an hour of audio before it went dead. It cuts off right before the IRyS moment, unfortunately. https://gofile.io/d/Qp1iXB
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    Riifu Evergreen / exoe / Dude That's Lewd - EIEN Project Separation and VAllure Updates

    Yeah, I saw those, but the audio itself was uploaded to litter and has since expired. Unless I'm the only one getting a 404 when I click them?
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    Riifu Evergreen / exoe / Dude That's Lewd - EIEN Project Separation and VAllure Updates

    Were the litter links to the watchalong recordings archived?
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    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    That's basically what Namirin said, I'm sure she plans to return eventually, too. It's sensible to brand it as indefinite hiatus, Nabi models don't grow on trees.
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    VTuber Merch/Decorations

    Nylon ring hilt longsword waster from Blackfencer
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    VTuber Merch/Decorations

    I got a small collection going, 7 more waiting to be shipped. Also managed to get two fairly rare ones from smaller chuubas I enjoy, one was a lottery, only 10 exist, the other was requested via DM for a merch set that had an unsigned postcard. Unfortunate that some talents are unlikely to ever...
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    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    That clip is how I learned about the Asano sisters, still hilarious after all these years.
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    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    I'd assume those models made their way on Lumi's disk as part of her managerial duties in CL. Uncertain whether yelling >I do not consent!!!111 on Twitter is really necessary. It's not like she made them hand over files at gunpoint, and Fishman is not an unreasonable guy. I despise outrage...
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    The Stream Archive Thread

    My post was prompted by the guide on twitter spaces and the mention of archiving Twitch with yt-dlp. I automatically archive several YT and Twitch streams and Twitter spaces and get Discord notifications for everything, very convenient. You, too, can have a convenient archiving experience with...
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