"I literally cannot get any gayer, holy shit"Kureiji Ollie

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  1. Fauna's Deadest Sapling

    MikeNeko Fiasco Thread - 2022 strikes back as MafuMafu and Rushia were married and divorced since her termination - Ongoing Defamation Suit

    God, she looks like a completely different species compared to the "facecam" Tiktoks she publishes with way too many filters.
  2. Fauna's Deadest Sapling

    Nijisanji L Collection

    I'm actually about to delete my account, holy shit. :Mumei-REE:
  3. Fauna's Deadest Sapling

    Amelia Watson Ceases Activity From Hololive

    Happened to catch the entirety of Ame + Nerissa Portal 2 collab. It seemed like they were having a lot of fun, so when Nerissa started to lose it after leaving vc, it was just even more sad... I can hardly believe we'll be saying goodbye by this time Monday. E: Valve Marathon's over, charity...
  4. Fauna's Deadest Sapling

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Do we have any clue of the conversion rate from ppl who watched western streamers react to JP clips to actual vtuber stream watchers? Genuinely asking, not trying to be sarcastic for once. If it's true, I'd be willing to retract some of the shit I've said. I dunno, man, I feel like "East vs...
  5. Fauna's Deadest Sapling

    Nijisanji L Collection

  6. Fauna's Deadest Sapling

    Nijisanji L Collection

    I agree, but in the timeline we inhabit it's Hololive that pulls the trigger first and it's been pretty heavily implied by everyone involved that Cover only felt pressured to do so by the strong overseas response to Coco's meme reviews - including a super active Reddit community. If Nijisanji...
  7. Fauna's Deadest Sapling

    Nijisanji L Collection

    I think Kiryu Coco is the single most important person in the history of vtubing after maybe Kizuna AI. It really can't be understated how much groundwork she laid for the western scene. Her bringing in a different Holomem every week & translating back and forth for the guest & the EN audience...
  8. Fauna's Deadest Sapling

    Nijisanji L Collection

    We'd probably do the best of it out of any community site. Anywhere else is either too much of a cheerleader for this or that talent/corpo or just too full of retarded trolls. TVA's got a nice balance of gay cheerleaders (like me, for HoloPromise lol), tourists with vague memories of whatever...
  9. Fauna's Deadest Sapling

    Nijisanji L Collection

    This is the version of history that tracks most for me. Kizuna AI and Upd8 were the ones finding out where all the boundaries were in 2017-2018. Like whether people just wanted 3-6 minute videos of a cute anime girl or if they would watch 30+ minutes of that same cute anime girl playing a video...
  10. Fauna's Deadest Sapling

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Since this thing is way too long & half of it seems to just be "Vtubers for Normies", I skipped to a random later section and: Absolutely retarded take, F-, go back to 5th grade. :shiinastare: Even as much of a softball take as I have on all of this Niji everything, you have to at least point...
  11. Fauna's Deadest Sapling

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Also the femboy who asked Fauna "Can we be friends?", sparking the keg of outrage that has brownfeet anons sperging out on /vt/ to this very day.
  12. Fauna's Deadest Sapling

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Getting ready to go to bed & sorta watching IRyS karaoke, notice a familiar name dropping an akasupa... Kinda hate that I'm starting to recognize these names.
  13. Fauna's Deadest Sapling

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    I mean, this moron seems to be collecting bans from every community site in this space like he's gathering the fucking Infinity Stones. Give it time, he'll probably show up on every forum we're aware of and probably a few more that we aren't. Watch him eventually start posting on the sisters'...
  14. Fauna's Deadest Sapling

    Nijisanji L Collection

    In the livers' defense, Niji seems to primarily hire mentally ill people with low IQ's and lower self-esteem. Even someone as self-assured as Selen/Doki felt the need to immediately hire a lawyer cuz she'd been given the impression that Anycolor were gonna drag her plump ass to court. I can't...
  15. Fauna's Deadest Sapling

    Twitter cringe and insanity

    Goddamn, truer words have never been typed... I'd argue even that's being too charitable. Lurk enough in places where Nijinigs & trolls gather, it eventually becomes apparent that a lot of them haven't seen even a full Hololive clip since 2022 and get the entirety of their current knowledge...
  16. Fauna's Deadest Sapling

    Nijisanji L Collection

    I think it's difficult to not feel at least a little bad for NijiEN's livers these days, 9 months into the year and they're still bleeding subs. Small wonder why nobody's snapped & just gone full scorched earth, just saying whatever awful shit they can to try and get forcibly graduated.
  17. Fauna's Deadest Sapling

    Nijisanji L Collection

    It also just doesn't make any business sense to go out of your way to correct the record against a bunch of bitchy teenagers on Twitter. If McD's shows they're willing to waste their precious time fighting these trolls, then that just opens them up to a hundred more random made-up attacks that...
  18. Fauna's Deadest Sapling

    Twitter cringe and insanity

    Hololive's community tends to be fairly drama free because it really is a "walled garden". Holo fans as a general rule don't go wading into the mire of 4chan or random Twitter threads or even unmoderated Reddits in search of petty drama to slapfight over the way that Nijisanji fans do. We...
  19. Fauna's Deadest Sapling

    Twitter cringe and insanity

    Mfr's really think they're about to hop in a literal trench & grab a rifle to start gunning down anyone wearing a blue dorito armband. :dokiwheeze: It's Twitards so I wouldn't put it past these paint-huffing short-bus-riding dropouts to have reduced every drama from the past 7 years down to...
  20. Fauna's Deadest Sapling

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Millie Parfait has slipped back below 500k subscribers.
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