That's actually filians alt. She does unarchived vod streams there. She hasn't done one in awhile as far as I'm aware.
II'll see if I can dig up any vods from it for you guys.
Edit: Checked the /VT/ archives links are dead. So maybe someone has them sitting around. They have to be live...
Her reaction is so ingenuine. I know filian is a character because her alt streams are her ranting about numbers 24/7, but you just know she browses /vt/ on the reg by the way she reacted.
I guarantee this is less motivated by politics, and one of the sponsors/advertisers were threatening to pull out. I've worked with a few cons, and they worry about this a lot because it can make or break a convention. Especially one as small as offkai.
If you are asking "why would an...
My analysis is who cares. :smugpipi: the troon isn't even noteworthy. Just seems like this anon has a weird fixation for the troon, and id gander he's leaving out some weird attachments details.
There's a lot of other Vtroons that are worth gossiping about that have actual drama and skeletons...
It's cause of me. I'm the most homophobic, racist, xenophobic, transphobic, cripplephobic(can't remember the word to lazy), ageist, sexist, user on this forum.
Do these bitches not know when a guy is coming into you???? Like I've had guys hit on me. You don't have to reciprocate they are acting like they had to.
Funny as fuck, but she will definitely be limited in her approach for a lot of VTubers. I'm hoping this kinda slides under the radar for her because if it becomes a big stink I know many people will put out ""blacklists"". I'm very familiar with those because even I am on a few. Can't spry into...
The only thing I know about Aster is that some troon and whores tried to cancel him. Pre Niji.
Archivist edit: Archive of Twitlonger
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