"Ok, I love her, and I don’t want to be negative, but can someone have a word with her about her choices in sweaters and cardigans? She’s a handsome, funny, talented woman, who deserves better than to be clad in the world’s ugliest fabric"Nyfco's comment section on Botan

Search results

  1. Pyhf

    AkioAIR: Hiring a minor was only the tip of the mismanagement iceberg. How to destroy an agency in under 1 month.

    She had throat surgery i think and has been on hiatus for months now to recuperate and not strain her voice too much. She then sorta came back a couple months later but only posting shorts of her previous covers mostly. However, still no full stream because I don't know how long it takes to...
  2. Pyhf

    AkioAIR: Hiring a minor was only the tip of the mismanagement iceberg. How to destroy an agency in under 1 month.

    Dammit. I was planning on shilling my only 2-view for the first time once she returned from her health break. However, given the recent circumstances, that post would probably just be met with people reminding me that AkioAir bad. Whatever then...
  3. Pyhf

    DEV_IS Discussion/Debut Thread

    Hime Hajime for Hajime
  4. Pyhf

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    part of her lore about being a penny-pincher due to constantly going to museums... and purchasing alcohol...
  5. Pyhf

    DEV_IS Discussion/Debut Thread

    It's called Dev_IS (Device) because they're only going to be used as tools to achieve Yagoo's dream Also on the topic of Chest sizes, they're closer to IRL People standards as opposed to Anime girl pudding melon standards
  6. Pyhf

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Yeah. Chat came up with Enma As for Jenma, Iirc it was because the amnager was japanese or based in Japan (no clue as to Enma's circumstances thogh) Also this was at the time when Kiara was still living in Japan JChad was just another manager that Calli called a Chad because you shouldn't...
  7. Pyhf

    DEV_IS Discussion/Debut Thread

    normal people, kinda like niji then What are the chances that this is Cover actually going for an actual VTuber Idol-centric group? This would explain the similar uniforms as idols tend to have. They could be doing more idol-focused activites while doing "normal" vtuber activities on the side...
  8. Pyhf

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I don't know who that is, but considering that you were talking and wondering about her, I can tell you that "she" is probably a troon. which explains the weirdness...
  9. Pyhf

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Not sure if she counts, but Kiara has really mellowed out. She used to be always getting salty when losing, doomposting, numberfagging... the works. But now she's pretty chill all things considered. One of my favorite character development arcs.
  10. Pyhf

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Happiness twice as much as Sadness Sadness is Vesper and Magni leaving Happiness is 4 new Holostars debuting. New Channel because they would be the Rival Guild for Tempus (Or maybe Futuristic Guild as opposed to Tempus' Medieval fantasy?) OR 2 Developers within the company are debuting...
  11. Pyhf

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    you mean 1 Menhera and 1 Twink for 1 Menhera Twink... But yeah, still not fair trade. The Universe could've taken Ragus and/or Flayon instead..
  12. Pyhf

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    Wrong thread, bud. Unless I'm missing something and Kaela said that her former addiction was Menhera Old Man Vtubers...
  13. Pyhf

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    That's not "IS", that's "I5" if 5 = V, then I5 = IV IV = 4 ID4 really is confirmed!
  14. Pyhf

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    Read it again, my guy. Are you done? Now tell me, do you think this person knows how to apply logic into whatever they are saying?
  15. Pyhf

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Talks about the community being hateful in the middle of her own hateful tirade. :nenewowl:
  16. Pyhf

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    "on Twitch" He hates us!! :urtearingmeapart: MagVes can do an Eiffel tower collab with Froot while Bettel is in VC
  17. Pyhf

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    With the amount of replies he did on that thread trying to doubledown his stance, XTwitter will never let it slide and he will never be able to pull a FuwaMoco and do a Misunderstanding Corner. :NOWWELAUGH:
  18. Pyhf

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    Dammit I didn't even notice. DAMN YOU THREAD SEGREGATION!! lemme try to recompense... Magni and Vesper's Graduation announcement has now completely overshadowed Mysta's incoming one. Common Holo W :smugrys:
  19. Pyhf

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    Her whole start of being a "Public figure" if you can call it that, was as an aspiring idol. She first went to Japan at age 14 (I think?) to pursue that dream. Prior to that, she was just another student. So yeah, anything you saw her do on the internet, she was already tainted with idol...
  20. Pyhf

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    "Better start working, Ruffians..." "Uuegh!" "...unless you want lead straight to the Bau Bau." "Unh unh"
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