"You have to continue searching for the biggest nuts you can get"Ayunda Risu

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  1. Nogglor


    >ants invading her coffee, forcing her to drink water. The ants are fixing her bros.
  2. Nogglor

    BBC Archive

    Trust me, you aren't missing much. Just a wasteland of pedos, schizophrenics, and unicorns. Easily one of the most miserable generals on /vt/.
  3. Nogglor


    Anyone under the age of 18 should be banned from using the internet. Kids should only be allowed to have flip-phones with no internet access.
  4. Nogglor


    Also his posting style is very recognizable. He loves to run through his typical list of pippa grievances hoping that the thread is in the mood to loop on old yabs/rrats. There's a lot of newfags that unfortunately bite the bait. He normally samefags until the resident /pcg/ janny bans him.
  5. Nogglor


    It's just one retarded samefag. He flips shit anytime the farms is mentioned. It's more than likely chase tbdesu.
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