"How dare you call me garbage, you... you look like a contractor! you know, that thing that draws circles"IRyS

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  1. Moff Albert

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Abi streams always make me smile, she's such a goof. I wish I could catch more of her streams, but I've only visit Twitch on rare occasions.
  2. Moff Albert

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    That collab between Vesper and Kronii... Absolute kino. Best collab I've watched in months. HoloStarsEN is a gift.
  3. Moff Albert

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Good thing I bookmarked this place a few days before the Farms went caput. This has all been so tiresome... If the farms do go down for good, it will live on in spirit, at least. Looking forward to shitposting with you all again! Currently have Amiya on in the background as I type. Loving the...
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