"I'm literally like a 'house klweeper'"S.S. Isa

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  1. Aliepheese

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    Everyone keeps sharing her singing but I think nobody has posted a clip of her actually speaking/streaming, here's a clip I found:
  2. Aliepheese

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    Prepare Vt meltdown in 3, 2, 1 edit: guess I should had checked vt first, it already there https://boards.4channel.org/vt/thread/54671496
  3. Aliepheese

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Apparently this goes further back that the cover seems Bao have been getting hate from the Vietnamese since around February when she tweeted "Happy Chinese new year" the issue being that even though Vietnam does celebrate the CNY they don't call it that and hate anyone who does they called the...
  4. Aliepheese

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    Sadly I wont be able to watch the first day of debuts live, tho maybe I can check it on my phone during downtime, curios about Shiori in general since she is the most cryptic of the 5 so far and whenever Bijou really is a soulfag or not, also wonder how extra nervous they will be considering...
  5. Aliepheese

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    Also she kinda soft confirmed Shiori and Bijou are not European since she say she hasn't talked to them almost at all due to time zones.
  6. Aliepheese

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Since we are on the topic here is the preview of what's on her Fantia incase you can't access the site (only the blurry preview beacuse I'm not paying 71$ for pictures of Dildos on a table) Also seeing the only hadfull of english post in the comment section is really funny I don't know why:
  7. Aliepheese

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    For some reason non of the girls have it on the description, I think the only place that posted it was the reddit thread, no waiting room yet but it will be on Shiori's channel:
  8. Aliepheese

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    I don't think they ever intended Ame to be the leader even in lore, she was a plot device to explain why they were all together but she was not the one leading them or taking decision, Bae being the head of the council was also a little of and afterthought IMO, and she has never been much of a...
  9. Aliepheese

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    I recall she said she calmed someone down before debut but I also remember she explicitly said it was someone who had doubts about her model, which made most people assume it was Kronii.
  10. Aliepheese

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    She did announced she was going on a week break on her last stream as nazuna, honestly if you think about it looking at Hime there no real reason for her to leave, vshojo doesn't mandate she stream and they get to keep sealing merch with her face on it, meanwhile she gets to do whatever as Mike...
  11. Aliepheese

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Didn't know if I should post this here or on the debut thread, but HoloSummer Karaoke relay with the Advent debuts right in the middle, couldn't find a translated version so I don't know who is going before them. edit: apparently is Mio, weird would have been better if a EN members went right...
  12. Aliepheese

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    Wasn't Bijou guess Waabyuu? I remember someone in this thread or somewhere esle saying she and one of Waabyuu friend followed eachother on twitter and then immediately unfollowed. So my undestanding so far is: Twins: GGN girls the most likely of then all almost 100% confirmed Bijou: Waabyuu...
  13. Aliepheese

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Weirdly enough I was unsubscribed last time when the split happen, but forgot to subscribe again, now I checked and I'm somehow subscribed again.
  14. Aliepheese

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Thanks for remind it me to post it here Koe reacting to EN3 reveal
  15. Aliepheese

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    I think this hasn't been posted her yet but does anyone recognize this artstyle? Is one of the promotional materials cover tweeted out but there's no credit, which might mean one the girls drew it, just like with Sana with her Council debut art, the style seems really unique so it might be easy...
  16. Aliepheese

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Like obviously anectodical but I have seen multiple and I mean a lot of youtubers say that as much as they hate doing it telling people to subscribe 100% works, people absolutely go "Yeah I guess I'll subscribe" since they are usually mindlessly scrolling without thinking and that little...
  17. Aliepheese

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    To be fair it was Dottovu's birthday yesterday so likely just out all day with family, Gura weirdly has also been completely MIA since even before the animated trailer dropped.
  18. Aliepheese

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    She does look like she would make a hole in the condom.
  19. Aliepheese

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    Again I think people are way ovethinking this, their 1 channel is monetized -> Cover takes their cut -> send the rest to girls and let them sort it out themselves, there no reason you need to track who got a superchat or not, all superchat are their channel superchats.
  20. Aliepheese

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    They also said it wouldn't begin until 2024, also It could be they Holo will allow them to fund this. I think People are overthinking this is still one channel, one monetization so the girls get one paycheck in the mail and decide what to do from there.
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