"Serfdom doesn't make me horny, guys!"Clio Aite

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  1. Lurker McSpic

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Maybe dont do asmr bs? No matter what type you do they always seem to attract the most delusional retards available. I get the money is good but is it really worth it when they sperg hard?
  2. Lurker McSpic

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    ah I see the place is going down the kiwifarms route, thanks for the info nigga :irysthumbsupl: Anyway Ember bodied all the bitches in phase and won the tournament, have a clip of the final
  3. Lurker McSpic

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    hold on what did the retard do to get his penis exploded?
  4. Lurker McSpic

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    it isn't a rumor she said it in one of her latest outfit reveal streams. I think her invader status gives her more power over her IP than the rest of the girls. The rest of the girls I'm not entirely sure what is the milestone to get a new outfit, I think it's 50k and then they're at the mercy...
  5. Lurker McSpic

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    hold on, that no view corpo has fucking HOBO ROZA in their roster!!!????? :keeekiface::NOWWELAUGH::NOWWELAUGH::NOWWELAUGH:
  6. Lurker McSpic

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    talking about marine she's on this educational manga about taxes, if the translation is correct
  7. Lurker McSpic

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Niggas please have some standards. You deserve better than dizzy.
  8. Lurker McSpic

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    :pikameefuck: I have no trust in commiefornia healthcare so I'm just gonna assume the assholes in her hospital are going for conservative treatment to cheap out of a surgery most likely. She's extremely lucky it didn't go harder than it was or she might be a quadriplegic. I still think she isn't...
  9. Lurker McSpic

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I caught the end only did she talk about her mri results?
  10. Lurker McSpic

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    is it really a community tournament when the sweatlords who never heard of phase can just come in and steamroll just about everyone? :Vesper-UNHINGED: I get is to gather eyes but I don't know, I find it boring knowing is pros playing instead of retards who managed to get good at the game.
  11. Lurker McSpic

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I took a peek and my god is like I'm back to myspace days with all the femoid energy those niggeers exude, that or they're perpetual 12 year olds. Ever since the tranny wars the quality of the kiwifarms took a dive and josh became a lot more retarded too. Everything devolves into pedos and how...
  12. Lurker McSpic

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Isn't he a latinx? A bunch of puerto ricans think they're spics when they're tanned gringos. I think LEC is the only true spic I've seen around, his fucking accent is so mexican holy shit :Vesper-UNHINGED:
  13. Lurker McSpic

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    this fag is a fan of rwby isn't he? :NOWWELAUGH: and another generic ass gacha design, is it the artist or everyone and their fucking mother are stuck asking for these fucking designs. He should go full clamp homo and try to sweep some fujo buck
  14. Lurker McSpic

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    and that's how you end up with bacteria that can tank most antibiotics :Vesper-UNHINGED:but eh, we'll be dead anyway once another asshole decides to fuck an animal and we end up with airborne aids or something :botanshrug: I've seen the jp girls numbers some of them do very low but they still...
  15. Lurker McSpic

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    the average doctor basically wings it when prescribing antibiotics for your pee infection, so you're not entirely wrong :Vesper-UNHINGED: The way they should go about it is to test the pee for bacteria and then see which antibiotic kills it but that requires more money from the patient and the...
  16. Lurker McSpic

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    it's actually surprising that pippa somehow attracted this leftoid fag to be a fan. Like jesus christ thinking trump is a dictator and tried to overthrow the government this far in is just some retardation in its purest form.
  17. Lurker McSpic

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    these girls are so ass at videogames that it wouldn't surprise me that airi steamrolls them because none of them can deal with whatever spam attack she pulled out of her ass during the tournament :whatastory: Anyway I'm contractually obligated to say the following: MAN isn't nice how phase makes...
  18. Lurker McSpic

    Idol Corp - Sniffing out the most golden and smoky controversies in the vtubing industry.

    I ain't reading whatever garbage the artist wrote but from skimming the thread it seems an issue on both parties. I still think the jew is probably trying to jew his way out of payments but the way he seems to handle payments works for a company with negroes on an excell sheet, not randos...
  19. Lurker McSpic

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    the way this cross eyed cunt make you fags seethe is so fucking annoying jesus. Clipping is literally chopping content which is fucking easy, they don't produce it, they just repackage it for easy consumption, it can be time consuming depending how polished they wanted to be but it's still EASY...
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