"Japanese shiriaru (Cereal) issu notto miruku, ah, hando! Hando, into zuh mouth! baribaribaribari (Crunch crunch) OK!"Momosuzu Nene

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  1. Aquatic Novellite

    Minato Aqua Graduation Doomposting Thread

    You've done well, then.
  2. Aquatic Novellite

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Germans. They can't help but hate. Huh. Guess Suisei really does bring her sister everywhere. That's going to be awkward if one of them ever marries. lol
  3. Aquatic Novellite

    Minato Aqua Graduation Doomposting Thread

    Don't cry because it's ending, smile because it happened. Then cry because it's ending.
  4. Aquatic Novellite

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    To be fair, the xenomorph design is explicitly and intentionally penislike. It'd be weird if women weren't attracted to it.
  5. Aquatic Novellite

    Discord Degeneracy (And Degeneracy in general) Containment Zone

    For comparison, when Melody got a creep, she banned his ass, and a while later, when he tried to make it up to her, asked him whether he could undo his 10 k "Apology" donation.
  6. Aquatic Novellite

    Discord Degeneracy (And Degeneracy in general) Containment Zone

    If you don't shut this shit down immediately, you'll only have yourself to blame when it inevitably blows up. I can't speak for 2D egirls, but there are things I'd absolutely refuse to take money from. Or interact with in any fashion other than "Fuck off." This is one of them.
  7. Aquatic Novellite

    Phase Connect 1st East Coast Concert ft. Mint Fantome【Anime NYC Live】

    Ghosts are dead and should stay dead.
  8. Aquatic Novellite

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    I understand the annoyance and respect the niche interest, but I think it's actually illegal to see a post that starts with this sentence and not rate it autistic.
  9. Aquatic Novellite

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Stop draft dodging, dammit. Aqua is so powerful, her graduation had Suisei willing to put on a swimsuit.
  10. Aquatic Novellite

    EvilToaster's Escapades - Sexpest vtuber Ambassador with a 57-page Google Doc

    Good luck with the election, I guess.
  11. Aquatic Novellite

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    About half of Idol did.
  12. Aquatic Novellite

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Rin: "Shorts ruined my community! It'd be better if I'd never tried to play the algorithm!" Also Rin: Damn. Not exactly dressing her age anymore, is she?
  13. Aquatic Novellite

    Minato Aqua Graduation Doomposting Thread

    I'm honestly not sure how she did this unless she did meth like the Wehrmacht in 1940.
  14. Aquatic Novellite

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    He's the Russian with a mark like Harry Potter's on his head.
  15. Aquatic Novellite

    Discord Degeneracy (And Degeneracy in general) Containment Zone

    Dear hoe, feminism isn't about denying submissive kinks. It's about giving women the choice to engage in them or not, rather than them being the default.
  16. Aquatic Novellite

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Power of natural energies Power Poison Lily What's in it for me? Yagoo
  17. Aquatic Novellite

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I liked Koinu's model a lot, too. Great voice, great model and I really like dark skin/white hair character designs, great sense of humor. Pity she was also into Jojo, but nobody's perfect.
  18. Aquatic Novellite

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    @God's Strongest Mozumite
  19. Aquatic Novellite

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    MomAtCookiebox, I suppose...
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