"Any food that's over $20 is wasted on Pippa"Kevin 'Sakana' Li

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  1. SomeRando

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Ewww someone with ambition that could see her shitty company was dying and bailed before it did? How DARE THAT LEMON WHORE!! I've literally seen nothing from the Cybercunts or from my own observations that Lumi is bad, I assume anyone actually mad at her is a drooling retard unless they can...
  2. SomeRando

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Sakana buys out Stronny and VAllure becomes a sister branch of Phase :gloomiLaugh:
  3. SomeRando

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Filian - I'm a Zerg main Sakana - Oh......
  4. SomeRando

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Lia was supposed to be there to but apparently couldn't make it
  5. SomeRando


    Pippa is better when she's sort of controlled, she needs the structured environment to contain her worse personality traits, and even then, they sometimes still bleed through. Kirsche's better being able to just spout off about whatever fucking thing comes to her mind. It's why I wouldn't want...
  6. SomeRando

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Will Wemi be the first corporate vtuber to actually die while employed? Riku: We made a talent attempt suicide Sakana: We had a retard kill herself with spoiled chicken
  7. SomeRando

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Holy fuck, Sakana get this bitch a Canadian green card or something, paint her brown and tell Trudeau she's a street shitter; just get her out of that flip shithole. Two white girls in Birmingham? Hopefully they can avoid cultural enrichment
  8. SomeRando

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    "Smoking is bad for you" Damn Panko why you gotta shit on Jerry like that?
  9. SomeRando

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Orange Woman appeared wishing Panko a happy birthday in chat
  10. SomeRando

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    "I didn't know who Airi was because she covered her boobs with a shirt" - Lumi
  11. SomeRando


    Kirsche/Alana collab is fun so far, yap foxes get along well
  12. SomeRando

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Looks like Rye wants to rebrand more into a bunny vtuber, curious :smugpipi:
  13. SomeRando

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    You deserve it you silly dork Not gonna lie I admire the balls on her, she basically kept her fan name and went through with actually making the corpo, but I did like her as Riifu too before the EIEN drama. Maybe they can be a coomer containment zone for the smaller corpos since they cater to...
  14. SomeRando

    The Offkai 2024 Blacklisting Debacle (and other possible scandals)

    Greetings AryanSavior1488, you're browner than I expected On the Sayu thing are we sure that's her? She tweeted this That's her new model so assuming she's there this year she's not the fat girl, and she's wearing a different outfit.
  15. SomeRando

    The Offkai 2024 Blacklisting Debacle (and other possible scandals)

    Offkai vermintide right now: Can imagine her screaming "AM I BEING DETAINED?!!!!!" as the little wheeled tablet is pulled away
  16. SomeRando

    The Offkai 2024 Blacklisting Debacle (and other possible scandals)

    No, the company knew they were trying to force Pippa out, Kevin said "Either all of Phase appears or we walk", so he stood up for Pippa. Kirsche mentioned it when she was going over Offkai banning her from appearing on that vtuber panel.
  17. SomeRando

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Could she speak Vietnamese? this girl can speak it on a basic level seems like
  18. SomeRando

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Parasi getting down bad for the goat mommy Vallure girl
  19. SomeRando

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    He doesn't have patience, assuming he isn't looking to cash out and ditch the company. Meanwhile the fish has been fine letting the JP girls and Gen 3 still get themselves settled in. The most we might see from Phase this year is 3 more invaders so the company has 30 talents. He doesn't really...
  20. SomeRando

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    An all-girl corpo and pure autism? Grimmi I know just the place for you... The idea of a Space Marine taking his helmet and having that fucking BAWSTON accent is great Damn instead of turning her into a lolcow that medallion is straight up killing her :fishmandispair:
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