"I think you should die, I think I should kill you. And I'm thinking about it a lot, yes, I DO want you to die. I don't really care if it's painful or not. I just don't want you to exist anymore."Nanashi Mumei

Search results

  1. Clem the Gem

    Getting Nihongo Jouzu

    I'll start by saying I have slacked off hugely, and other than 20 mins of Duolingo and Anki every day during my lunch break, I have not sat down and studied seriously in months and months. I was pretty low level, but felt I was making good progress. That being said, here are my (some...
  2. Clem the Gem

    Mascot Thread v2: Brown Woman Good Edition

    I assume it's way too late to do a redesign? Not a fan of the skintight "sexy nurse Halloween costume" look to be honest. The apron ones are better, but not with those socks. Like everyone else I went with option 15 back then since it seemed like the best of the choices given at the time. Some...
  3. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I thought it gave a pretty good insight into how shit youtube can be. How one day they can just change the rules however they feel like and screw everyone over. In one example he gave, they decided that a certain word or topic is now verboten and not only new videos, but years old videos about...
  4. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I still go back to watch this every now and then (like right now as we speak). As someone who's barely watched any singing streams, I always recommend everyone watch it. "I can get paid to sit at home and play games? Sign me up!" Pretty easy to see why anyone would be attracted to the job...
  5. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I request you take a moment to watch this duck tell an embarrassing story.
  6. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I guess it has a 41% chance of uninstalling itself?
  7. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Was literally just thinking the same thing. I'm hoping she just picked it because she liked the prett colours and has no idea what it means.
  8. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Most people must know about it by now, but now's the time to shill Holodex multiview. Watch as many chuubas as your screen can fit playing amogus at the same time. Mute all but one.. or have them alll going at once if you're feeling brave...
  9. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I was meming, but I've been using these different AI models so much now I can recognise them at a glance by the overall art style. Then youur eyes move to the hands and parts of the image that don't make sense and it's a dead giveaway.
  10. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    This looks AI generated. I can tell from the pixels and from se..making the exact same type of pictures myself, though with different characters. Regarding Haachama - Would have been funny and on brand if she just showed up streaming out of nowhere with no announcement. But of course it makes...
  11. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I don't usually watch Kiara, but this is pretty decent so far. Today orange woman was good.
  12. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Ok ok, fiine. You finally made me make a twitter account. If only for a moment. (for anyone who doesn't know, if you're not logged in with an account, you can't search, see any comments, or really do anything on twitter. The home page is just a blank page demanding you log in) The latest for me...
  13. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Dunno if I'd call it a rrat, but I'm of the opinion that one of those obligations you cannot deny are that as a talent, you WILL sing, and you WILL dance when asked to, and Magni / Vesper left because they weren't into that gay shit.
  14. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Ok but that swastika illusion AI picture is pretty cool though
  15. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    News from the frontlines of the Jewtube-Adblocker war. I see today there is now a timed delay before you're allowed to X out out of the ad blocker-blocker popup, where yesterday you could close it immediately. If it hasn't happened to you yet, then please look forward to it. When I last posted...
  16. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Dumb video from the old times (2009 to be exact)
  17. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Aaw shit, first Ame with Counter-Strike, and now this Age of Empires 2 thing. Two games that I actually know and play(ed 20 years ago). This just might get me to watch an actual full stream and not just clips.
  18. Clem the Gem

    AI Waifus and You 101

    Oh yeah I remember your Mio example (how could I forget), but that's something different. No prompting was used in my example except for the initial image, and everything was done with the Lineart model in Controlnet. A batch script is run to look at every image in a folder (the extracted frames...
  19. Clem the Gem

    AI Waifus and You 101

    Jannies (or anyone else) aren't watching, time to doublepost! That loliposting over in the other thread earlier reminded me that I made an attempt to remake the dancing gif with another character. I tried a couple of different methods, and as you can see, the results are.. bad. But it's a start...
  20. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I thought I was safe. I thought wrong. Appeared a second after pressing play on a stream. Luckly you can just close it and it hasn't appeared again, but obviously completely unacceptable. For reference I'm using Firefox with uBlock Origin. I also use Cookie AutoDelete and Multi-Account...
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