"PIPKIN PIPPA! I'M COMING TO KILL YOU! In Phase World? NO! At your house! In real life! I'm going to stalk her, and become obsessed with her! And wear her makeup, and her mold! And use her Live2D as a coat like the ancient foxgirls did!"Kirschey

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  1. Helmet-kun Backwards

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    :baeJam::dokiDread: It isn't worth it. That guy is wearing a personally tailored 3 piece suit, those can easily cost thousands of dollars depending on how you approach it. Even if the guy got that suit at a consignment shop and had it resized to him afterwards, he would have spent 400-500...
  2. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Wait, we had a word filter? huh
  3. Helmet-kun Backwards

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    The Twitter picture that everyone passes around is linked in @Void Scribas's post that I responded to a little bit ago. Not even close to obese, she's actually quite cute. Not sure what's on her Maple artist account because Elon Musk is a fucking twat and I refuse to make a Twitter account...
  4. Helmet-kun Backwards

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Sane women are a myth anyways. Besides, :kirscheicfh: :pippafuckyeah: And since I don't think we got context for the Doki Onlyfans story when it first got posted IIRC and to prevent myself from thirstposting any more:
  5. Helmet-kun Backwards

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    My :nehgah: I shall pass on two pieces of knowledge to all Doki non-believers. 1: A chubby Asian girl is on par with or even skinnier than your average American white woman or Latina 2: Girls who have lots of cute laughs make lots of cute noises at other times too. :architect:
  6. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Plagiarism??? On the internet? UNACCEPTABLE But seriously, I don't actually care that much. If I want my 30 seconds of "work" on something to be credited, I will take steps to make sure that it is. Besides, it's not like we haven't grabbed shit from reddit and /vt/ to post in here before...
  7. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Reposting this over here since it is definitely a Niji L. Add it to the pile of proof that Niji treated Pomu badly when she was with them From what she says in the time-stamped section of the vod, the impression I get is that she's a guest in their concert and they're being nice to her, but...
  8. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Apparently only applies to the JP members then, Mint did not have that experience :yagoocry:
  9. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Mint is comparing Phase to her old company, compared to her old company apparently anyone is nice EDIT: When at her "old company" and mint was recording with others, apparently she asked if they could get her a snack in the middle of a long session and they asked for her credit card EDIT2...
  10. Helmet-kun Backwards

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    it should have been meeee :urtearingmeapart:
  11. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Mint is delaying stream to watch/listen to the new Holo song :nenebased:
  12. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Discord Degeneracy (And Degeneracy in general) Containment Zone

    Apparently you guys haven't been giving him nearly enough shit since he's still going out of his way to eat it. Give him more shit, let the shit-eater have his fill
  13. Helmet-kun Backwards

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    This video feels like a personal attack. Fuck you Dizzy, I know buying a house is a pipe dream but you don't have to rub it in :pikaufuk: Coomers get the fucking rope I can't believe Muyu and Eimi are fucking dead Mint is uncorking her new PC in a few minutes, guaranteed scuff incoming
  14. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    So the punchline for Dizzy's birthday is that we donate 9999 dollars, right?
  15. Helmet-kun Backwards

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    You're a better man than me, I only made it to ten. Just listening to the woman in another tab made me want to take a shower
  16. Helmet-kun Backwards

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Wait, you AREN'T transgender? Even the site name hints that everyone here is a femboy: Transsexual Virgins Assembly Don't tell me you thought TVA actually meant "The Virtual Asylum." I mean, come on, who includes "The" in their acronym? That'd just be ungrammatical. :smugpipi:
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