"Let's work together in bed!"Oozora Subaru

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  1. tgmslc

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    Reads like every halfhearted YT Apology ever after whatever minor dumbass gets called out for being shitty. Nolan, the way to avoid having to issue retractions like this is to realize that other human beings exist & are also important. I loathe DJ Trump and genuinely dread his second term, but...
  2. tgmslc

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Oh. Uhhh i'm also too lazy (recovering from a root canal fml) but iirc some numberfags on Twitter or some fuckin' place did math and showed that Lando's making way more money at the end of the day. But he pissed away the opportunity to have corporate backing & be a virtual idol, so, idk if raw...
  3. tgmslc

    Chase / @kase446 / Joel David Thomas

    ITT: Terminally online idiots realizing that women Exist™ and maybe look okay & normal.
  4. tgmslc

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Imagine shilling for the corpo you left. If he's groveling in this dumb as shit subtweeting fashion, he must be doing even worse than I had heard he was. Man I'm starting to think that I mostly hate Nijisanji as fucking fans more than the corpo itself, jesus h christ Professor Lando/notMagni...
  5. tgmslc

    TVA's DEADPOOL 2024 (and Morgue)

    Just heard from a Discord homie that she's finally gone to that great big 3D Debut in the Sky. Posting the Reddit repost cuz the Twitter account blocks rando's: https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/1e7y542/minori_has_passed_away/ She also scheduled one last long titled "Escape" to...
  6. tgmslc

    Twitter cringe and insanity

    Imagine getting butthurt over a literal 0.1% drop in followers. Bro. You are not gonna make it.
  7. tgmslc

    /vt/ insanity and antis

    Ask and ye shall receive.
  8. tgmslc

    Kyousha / KyoushaPumpItUp, Flip Menace & Possibly Every /vt/ Schizo

    Someone said I should do a dedicated thread on this guy, so here's a better write-up than what I put in the /vt/ schizo thread. Ahem. Kyousha (KyoushaPumpItUp on Twitter & Youtube) is a Filipino who plays dance rhythm games. He's also some kinda fucken' junior engineer in college in the...
  9. tgmslc

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Yeah but I wanna hear her say it. Also I wanna hear Mumei say anything, I love her. :hololove:
  10. tgmslc

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Jokes aside, I actually do kinda want to see what would happen if a major corpo chuba came out & said she had a bf/husband she was sexing on the regular. I wanna measure the unicorn backlash to see if we can prove once and for all that unicorns are just a couple dozen screeching autists on...
  11. tgmslc

    Nijisanji L Collection

    That's the insane thing, tho. If the rrat is true, then Ennaschizo is also the brownfeet Fauna anti as well as Selenfag & possibly a few other notable /vt/ schizoposters.
  12. tgmslc

    /vt/ insanity and antis

    I didn't have "Being a vtuber fan made me racist" on my 2024 Bingo Card yet here I am. :gurastress:
  13. tgmslc

    Nijisanji L Collection

    I posted a lil bit ago in the /vt/ insanity thread but I'm investigating a rrat that Ennaschizo is a known /vt/ troll named KyoushaPumpItUp. The tl;dr is that he's a Flip on Twitter & Youtube who plays Dance Dance Revolution & shits up both Millie & Jurard's stream chats.
  14. tgmslc

    Nijisanji L Collection

    How much free time to these people have??? At least the super-autist who is timestamping Raora's streams to collect her giggles/laughs is putting some fucken' positive energy out into the world.
  15. tgmslc

    /vt/ insanity and antis

    Spent hours scrolling 4chan on this cuz I woke up at 4am with tooth pain & couldn't get back to sleep, decided suffering was the next best thing. Also putting this here cuz I don't know if it goes anywhere else, but some incredibly tired-sounding anon posted claims that the Fauna anti who's...
  16. tgmslc

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Yeah, it's honestly just as easy as putting out quality music that's good. I can't remember a time I sat through an entire Kiara stream but "Sparks" probably has 300 plays just from me putting it on again.
  17. tgmslc

    Nijisanji L Collection

    New fun game! Take a shot every time a dramapilled vtuber fan tweeter says some variation of "I'm in a bad place mentally/emotionally" and see how quickly you shit out your wrecked liver.
  18. tgmslc

    Nijisanji L Collection

  19. tgmslc

    Discord Degeneracy (And Degeneracy in general) Containment Zone

    As an atheist who hasn't been to church in 20 years, these Phase fans need Jesus.
  20. tgmslc

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Any other day, any other corpo, just about any other chuba and I would agree with you. But Vox fujo's have been shitting up this entire subculture for actual years, now, with their falseflagging and baitposting and just general shitty behavior. When Miload gets vaporized in the branch merger, I...
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