"Gigi you're a bit too, too big for breastfeeding"Raora Panthera

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  1. tgmslc

    Nijisanji L Collection

  2. tgmslc

    Idol Corp - Sniffing out the most golden and smoky controversies in the vtubing industry.

    Damn, that bodes poorly. If memory serves, Nog had to become an engineer because he lacked the sense for generating profit.
  3. tgmslc

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Agree that it doesn't matter if its real or dramabaiting. Just the fact that this is a believable outcome is reason enough to cancel the entire sickling fanbase.
  4. tgmslc

    Idol Corp - Sniffing out the most golden and smoky controversies in the vtubing industry.

    Has anyone said if they're taking the offer to take their current identity and go indie? That does seem to be the theme for this entire year.
  5. tgmslc

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    @TheProctor must be so proud, TVA stonks goin' up lately! Only if we can have one of the bots dumping the chatlogs to somewhere we can laugh at them.
  6. tgmslc

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Oh I think we agree that solo voice stuff will happen, as long as they have at least one person actually feeding the voice AI prewritten scripts. That's almost certainly been pitched in meetings, imo. I'm saying that generative AI is years away from being able to believably produce both sides...
  7. tgmslc

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Would be hilariously dark but generative AI is probably years away from being able to pull this shit off. And if there's one company that is probably not going to invest the hundreds of millions in R&D to get generative AI to the point where it can do this, it almost certainly isn't the fucking...
  8. tgmslc

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    Two decades late & these tweets read like a ChatGPT first pass of someone asking for a generic review of the show. Bet me he didn't actually watch it & is just trying to score woke cred points with his new Discord enabler. I'm going off decade old memories but I think Katara's arc in the first...
  9. tgmslc

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Kurosanji investing in AI, huh? Alright. Who's ready for some graduated ex-liver voicepacks? :rikutazumi:
  10. tgmslc

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    Nolan: "Donald Trump is a pedo rapist!" Also Nolan: "Loli fanart!? UUUOOOH!!!" Also I don't know why I'm surprised that someone as terminally online & zoomerbrained as Nolan Crush is up-to-speed with MrBeast lore. Can't even keep his retardation limited to vtubers, he's gotta go shit up every...
  11. tgmslc

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Numberfags get the rope.
  12. tgmslc

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Jesus, I go outside for a weekend and miss like 10 pages of additional Niji L's??? At this point a big drama drop from someone like Elira or Vox would have people untangling the web for days. Dramatubers will eat well for weeks. Did the ID merger thing get swept under the rug? I thought it was...
  13. tgmslc

    MikeNeko Fiasco Thread - 2022 strikes back as MafuMafu and Rushia were married and divorced since her termination - Ongoing Defamation Suit

    I've been binging clips of Ame lately & I can't help but draw a comparison between her & RushiNazuMike. Like... Ame's also kinda bad at games sometimes but she puts in the effort to get over any challenge with only occasional desk-slamming freakouts. Lil gremlin bitch (wholesome) will spend over...
  14. tgmslc

    MikeNeko Fiasco Thread - 2022 strikes back as MafuMafu and Rushia were married and divorced since her termination - Ongoing Defamation Suit

    Toxic idiot ruins everything & gets rightly trolled? Many such cases. Oh damn that's a good point. Holo's management looking ever more like superheroes the dumber shit this bitch gets up to, no wonder they don't bat an eye at the wild shit that comes flyin' outta some talents' mouths.
  15. tgmslc

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    I thought about this for a second, how kino it would be to see what pissy rants we'd get from Nolan after he & his biggest enabler saved up their parents' pennies to meet up offline & awkwardly smash their grundles together... but then I remembered these are the kind of terminally online losers...
  16. tgmslc

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    What a couple of fucking losers.
  17. tgmslc

    Known Creep/Schizo/Autist Discussion Thread

    I kinda hope George kicks the bucket before the next book is released so that GoT/ASOIAF fans are forced to just sit in a giant Reddit circlejerk for the next three decades trying to figure out how the rest of the plot goes, leaving the rest of the internet free from their PBR-stank breaths.
  18. tgmslc

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Damn. You know who I feel the most sorry for are the newest NijiEN debuts who are already 3-view status over some shit that happened before they even debuted and have over a year before they can renegotiate or get out. 2% merch cut. Probably terrible streaming & supa revenue cut. On top of only...
  19. tgmslc

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Did Sayu's big contract leak detail how long contracts with Anycolor typically last? I thought I remembered someone saying "two years" but a quick search doesn't show me any evidence of that.
  20. tgmslc

    Chase / @kase446 / Joel David Thomas

    The internet was a mistake
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