"I don't want to alarm you but I might be stupid"Gawr Gura

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  1. TKN_Lurker

    Nijisanji L Collection

    What the fuck does his title mean then? The truth of how he's a retarded fag who still sucks black corpo cock? What a pussy bitch. Glad I didn't watch his video because it was a waste of time.
  2. TKN_Lurker

    Vidya Games Thread

    Damn, what a shame. I liked his work on DMC3, DMC4 and DMC 5. Capcom has been on a decline with their games recently and I fear that the next DMC title will turn out to be utter crap without him.
  3. TKN_Lurker

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Was funny while it lasted but I'm glad it was proven not true. Aqua doesn't need the rumours giving her stress because of KoreKore vagueposting rrats on Twitter.
  4. TKN_Lurker

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    The funniest moment in the Enrico stream immortalised as art. Tweet link Atlantis is real. Staff Gura finally finished it. Miko and Subaru were sacrificed for the bountiful rain god Kobo.
  5. TKN_Lurker

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Ain't my oshi for no reason. The more unhinged and schizo the cuter she is.:dandanl:
  6. TKN_Lurker

    Nijisanji L Collection

    I'm just the messenger mate. KoreKore can't exactly be trusted and I'm waiting for more clarification when he does the Sunday stream revealing whether it's true or just usual drama bait. P.s. The archive link is right under the tweet in my post blind fuck.
  7. TKN_Lurker

    Discord Degeneracy (And Degeneracy in general) Containment Zone

    The sequel where it actually became true.
  8. TKN_Lurker

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    He can't. He's the one getting pegged by Hexa's bull so he's the bottom of the entire relationship.
  9. TKN_Lurker

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Mumei: "If you close your nose while biting an onion, it kinda tastes like an apple" I didn't know my oshi was fucking Shrek but yeah, it's a certified Mumei moment. :sanasmile: I blame Calli. She started the harem and now it's too late to stop it
  10. TKN_Lurker

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Chapter 1 was some nothing burger news. I hope chapter 2 and whatever comes next is at least something more decent. I heard there's comics and animations in the works so I'm cautiously optimistic.
  11. TKN_Lurker

    MikeNeko Fiasco Thread - 2022 strikes back as MafuMafu and Rushia were married and divorced since her termination - Ongoing Defamation Suit

    Jesus. This image reminds me that MafuMafu looks like an underage child in those oversized clothes. Mikeneko has some fucked taste in men
  12. TKN_Lurker

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Music and video is pretty kino. Song lyrics a bit meh but it's ok
  13. TKN_Lurker

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    She always sounds like she's about to die inside every time I see her. Relatable mood
  14. TKN_Lurker

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Using fan service to keep us watching since Minecraft roleplay is boring is a genius strategy Yagoo...:smugina:
  15. TKN_Lurker

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Gura actually did it. She finished fucking Atlantis Bois :Vesper-UNHINGED: Why couldn't you let me believe it was real dang it :BijouBijou:
  16. TKN_Lurker

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    My lord, how many poses are they supposed to do? This is some next level stalling for a RPG Minecraft project
  17. TKN_Lurker

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    This is just exposing Kronii's pet play fetish huh...
  18. TKN_Lurker

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Stains? I knew this was a metal gear collaboration all along
  19. TKN_Lurker

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Kingdom of Liberals? Yagoo, I can't believe you fell for the DEI :urtearingmeapart:
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