"WATAH IN DA FIYA WHY?! WATAH IN DA FIYA WHY?! Ahh, noto understand"Inugami Korone

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  1. Euthyphro

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Miuna just finished the first day of her back-to-school donothon and passed her original 5K goal (final count was 7000 USD). Woman tears (the good kind) were had. I previously shilled this as one of the few (IMO) "good" donothons, since Pixel won't be taking a cut, and it is for an explicit...
  2. Euthyphro

    Discord Degeneracy (And Degeneracy in general) Containment Zone

    What a post to greet me first thing in the morning: A E: Of course it's Mono who made a poll about it: A
  3. Euthyphro

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

  4. Euthyphro

    Vexpo - Offkai with Fish & Chips and hopefully fewer scandals.

    @The Proctor is so in: A
  5. Euthyphro

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Putting this here since It's not really a culinary catastrophe per se. Chio really loves her loaded fries: A I love fries but that shit is borderline NSFL. E: Eh, might as well turn this into today's :architect:-post: A E2: A
  6. Euthyphro

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    SLAG :hololove: All I'm getting from this is that coomers really put their money where their mouth (cock?) is. Granted, she already had a following from her EIEN days and even before that, so some of the whales also followed her + the new car smell/debut buff. For most other corpos, I imagine...
  7. Euthyphro

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Yeah. A E: "Tasting beans" A
  8. Euthyphro

    Kyousha / KyoushaPumpItUp, Flip Menace & Possibly Every /vt/ Schizo

    I'm 90% sure that Kyousha is NOT Brownfeet Fauna guy, at least if we're going off the warm Fanta post. Ignoring how disgusting warm orange soda is, Fanta has never been widely available in the Philippines. The local Fanta equivalent is and always has been Royal. Granted, there are retailers...
  9. Euthyphro

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Seeing as Naganon is no longer around, I feel obliged to report that Hexa cooked, and it turned out okay: A Great timing on my feed though :architect::
  10. Euthyphro

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Jelly was considering raiding Pirate Software, but chickened out, so she dropped everyone in Yuu's waiting room
  11. Euthyphro

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    He's the original Niji femboy. Although he's Mito's genmate, the males of that gen never took off. Ken-chan was the first Niji male who really made it big. I was under the impression that the earlier gens of Niji have pretty lenient terms on their contract, so I suppose he may just be leaving...
  12. Euthyphro

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Almost missed this Minto Twitterspace:
  13. Euthyphro

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Pretty sure this is the stream where she said, "Are you gonna fap to my voice?"
  14. Euthyphro

    Idol Corp - Sniffing out the most golden and smoky controversies in the vtubing industry.

    See, this is why I don't believe in a global Jewish conspiracy. Shit like this and a cursory understanding of contemporary Israeli history shows plenty of examples of incompetence and byzantine backstabbing. Fat chance they can sustain any long-term concerted plan. The only reason Israel is...
  15. Euthyphro

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Globie finally uploaded a full version of the art they displayed at DoKomi: And the males:
  16. Euthyphro

    Idol Corp - Sniffing out the most golden and smoky controversies in the vtubing industry.

    CMIIW, but it feels like these issues started getting more frequent AFTER Aviel fired Tomer (the guy who was having e-sex with Riro Ron). He wasn't just a talent manager, but also handled a lot of back office work for Idol as effectively Aviel's #2. He probably left a lot of work that didn't get...
  17. Euthyphro

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    The running mascara though :MozumiPichi:: It's just Ayu and Navi who are on VSMP right now, but they're fun: And I just barely missed the Idol ENdless off-collab karaoke:
  18. Euthyphro

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Some more info about this Variance Project (VarPro?) corpo: A They have a presskit for all their stuff on the website: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qiRWw7yqS2hdAR-3pJYccvXW3cpIfML5 Don't know what to think of this one, interesting concept as a story-heavy corpo. I suppose something...
  19. Euthyphro

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Speaking of Palestinian children: A
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