"I'm gonna tell Sakana that I said the n-word on stream"Komachi Panko

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  1. John Vtuber👁️

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    the dream of phase house will live forever imagine the content!
  2. John Vtuber👁️

    Vidya Games Thread

    Breaking news (as of 15 minutes ago when writing), Sean Murray is doing his thing again, major No Man's Sky update has been pushed out - 17.5GB on steam - proper detail below: Personally, I enjoy the game myself, though I haven't played in a few years after their focus on seasonal content...
  3. John Vtuber👁️

    Vidya Games Thread

    She's also an officially partnered content creator with HYV - there are a surprising amount of content creators that worked with them before who are now turning against HYV, same with the voice actors. You don't even have to search for them directly, they're shoved in your face whether you want...
  4. John Vtuber👁️

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    people would pay premium for that sort of experience, orange woman better appreciate it!
  5. John Vtuber👁️

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    the girls look out for their own, if the fresh blood in management don't do right by any of them, they'll be fed to the sharks ...perhaps that could explain Gura's surge in activity!
  6. John Vtuber👁️

    Vidya Games Thread

    that was their response to all of this, yes! spoiler alert, it only made them even more mad. if you want to REALLY prepare for some shit, the next continent after Natlan is fantasy Russia, planned to release next year the virtue signaling writes itself
  7. John Vtuber👁️

    Vidya Games Thread

    (Content Warning: Genshin Impact Fans, which temporarily killed Ghost Archive during the archive process) In a similar vein to AC: Shadows, Genshin Impact is currently undergoing a boycott by twitter freaks because the characters aren't black enough (no, I am not joking). This has been going on...
  8. John Vtuber👁️

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    there seems to be a command for a screen blackout in the documentation (specifically stream_cho_chance_blackout - but I haven't tested it myself just yet, so it could be something entirely different) although with a bit of asset editing, I'm confident a proper representation is possible
  9. John Vtuber👁️

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    don't worry, Airi's company will make sure she gets more than enough overtime to make up for the audacity of recovering from a near-fatal car accident! the urge to fedpost continues to rise
  10. John Vtuber👁️

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    After debating whether or not to post this in the video game thread, I thought it would be best left here for the chuuba lurkers and browsers that otherwise never leave general. Needy Streamer Overload has just launched an update where you can create custom KAngel streams in-game, alongside...
  11. John Vtuber👁️


    she said while it was happening that she didn't know how to turn it off at that moment, if I remember correctly which is perfectly understandable, considering everything was going on in real-time, but I'm just surprised it didn't cause more comedians in chat to keep the TTS going during it
  12. John Vtuber👁️

    Twitter cringe and insanity

    yeah, no, tricky wouldn't have tried walking it back if there was zero backlash or if it was actually successful but it's certainly one way to throw your career out the window, this is going to be brought up for the rest of her tenure unless she discards the identity and starts over from zero
  13. John Vtuber👁️

    Twitter cringe and insanity

    should we have a separate thread for all of the vtweeters that will get a knock on the door from the secret service, or should all of that be posted here as well?
  14. John Vtuber👁️

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    And he is also likely to get the secret service called on him if he keeps up the fervent posting!
  15. John Vtuber👁️


    please look forward to the next half decade of these people burning down the game industry in favor of "the message" ...at least they're owning the heckin' chuds?
  16. John Vtuber👁️

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    and that's a good thing!
  17. John Vtuber👁️

    Vidya Games Thread

    M.A.S.S. Builder just hit its 0.11 update moments ago, with about 4 hours left in the steam sale - strange optics, but welcome nonetheless! It's all about the mecha customization and battling, which is a primal need that has been slowly delivered over time, and recently accelerated with Armored...
  18. John Vtuber👁️

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    there's one, surefire way for VSJ to own "the haters": out of everyone in the application process, just hire a single (1) non-nepo chuuba alongside whomever else is going to join - it is just that easy! that's what the auditions are for in the first place, right? surely thousands of applicants...
  19. John Vtuber👁️


    RIP vod, nym needs a raise
  20. John Vtuber👁️

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    hell yeah, let's fucking GO I will never forgive Nintendo for not adding more post-launch support to Super Mario Maker 2 they could have sold an Odyssey and Wonders expansion pack, and people would be lining up to buy it!
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