Just accidentally removed a video from my watch history, instead of adding it to watch later... It was of a tiny vtuber I found. Like 400 or less views on the vod, Some videos/vods had like 100 views. White haired rabbit vtuber I think? I swear her name was Lucy something?? Damn this sucks, I can't find her anywhere now. She had an accent that sounded kind of British when I quickly listened. She sounded cute...

The stream title was like 'Come talk with me | I'm fun!' or something. Maybe part of that was in the thumbnail? I don't know, I'm tired and now a bit sad that I'll likely never find that tiny chuuba again. On the off chance one of you that sees this gets a similar recommendation on YouTube, send me a DM or tag me or something. She also looked to be simulcasting on Twitch and YouTube if that helps at all. Her on screen chatbox was a mix of both platforms.
@Awoogers you like British women right? Maybe this is your area of expertise lol
I don't actually know if she's British, but her accent sounded vaguely like it for the short bit I listened
we are so back bros, thanks