"But Peko-chan is reeaaally selfish, would that be OK with you? She can't do anything by herself and is quite stubborn!"Pekora's mom
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  • I really found myself enjoying the main Vspo branch in the last couple months, i could spend the rest of my life listening to Hinano's laugh tbh. Since you do watch the En branch a lot, any of the en girls have the same kind of vibes as Hinano and Uruha that you could recommend?
    Can't think of any with similar vibes, maybe Melon? Extrovert compared to the other en girls and cool type, toxic gamer and she is very good at zatsus.

    My dream is that they debut a girl with a amusing ugly laugh in vspoen.
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    Reactions: Seth
    Female proctor should join Vspo then.
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