"I'm sorry for being really good at being a man"Rin Penrose

The Virtual Asylum

Audi Vide Tace
Audi Vide Tace
I know. Having a leader like Milei would be too cool for you :smugpipi:

You may not like it, but this is what a peak world leader looks like
La+ de Central Norte
La+ de Central Norte
Why are Muricans so obsessed with Milei LOL?
Stop bothering Nenelove or i will desintegrate you
Audi Vide Tace
Audi Vide Tace
If you’re gonna kill me can it at least be with the chainsaw? :towapeeved:
La+ de Central Norte
La+ de Central Norte
I am going to do it While listening his theme song:laplusgun:
Wich i alredy liked before it was popular
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