"My ass got tighter!"Hana Macchia

The Virtual Asylum

You must mean last volume of part one, daughter of a soldier. Imo the most boring part, shrine maiden's apprentice is much more interesting and duke's adopted daughter is my personal favorite.

Who was your favorite character so far?
Fucking YTs
Fucking YTs
Otto was an after thought in the anime, so he has a surprising amount of presence in the first books. I wouldn’t say he’s my favorite, but it was surprising.

I do have a favorite one off character and that’s the merchant that she hides behind and discovers that there are books in the world, she bows and grovels to him and in return he shoots her a look of pure fucking disgust and she has to fully reassess the new world she’s found herself in.
Otto? That's certainly a choice... I honestly forgot he even existed...
Fucking YTs
Fucking YTs
Really, I was just surprised he was given stuff to do as he’s just a bridge character. Not my favorite.

Myne is my favorite so far, her dark thoughts caught me off guard and she isn’t some super wonderkind that she’s portrayed in the anime, as she really struggles to get things right.

Also, her hating the food because of the lack of spices is a nice touch.
Yeah loads of very minor characters actually get their own little arcs and character development, and yeah, Myne is still an adult which is easy to forget. While she's usually whiny or sperging out over something, she has this calculating dark side which is very much my favorite thing about her. (Bro that bit with the hippo and the feystone slingshot to make it grow massive was fucking genius and epic, you will understand when you get there)
Fucking YTs
Fucking YTs
Just finished Part 2 Volume 2 and the Epilogue was excellent. (When Ferdinand goes through Myne's past-life memories in glorious detail.) it was the best thing so far in the series for me.
Ima be honest... that bit kinda put me off from the book the first time around lol. It just felt like such a weird plot point, but it makes loads of sense when you keep going.
Ferdinand is also top 5 characters so can't hate on a whole big scene of him wtfing.
Fucking YTs
Fucking YTs
Just about to start Part 5, Volume 1. Part 4, Volume 9 was excellent.
Jesas you're quick
What do you think of the series so far? Part 4 is probably my favorite, Part 5 is okay but the author holds back too much imo.

The ditter matches with dunkelfelger are so fun, specially when myne does insane plays to fuck with them.

Honestly the first half of part 5 is basically just part 4+, the second half is where shit gets a lot more serious and we finally get answers to shit.
Georgine, Leonzio and Gervasio get beaten way too easily and off screen, kinda lame. Though the subs getting frozen and blown up is pretty cool.
Fucking YTs
Fucking YTs
I've really enjoyed the series as a whole so far, but Part 4 did irk me. I think there were two books in a row where nothing but foundation was laid, and then bam, I'm at the epilogue. I think I was expecting a little more resistance at the school beyond the normal misunderstandings. I was hoping for her to struggle a little more. (wow, that sounds bad out of context!)

I've just gotten to the second book of Part 5, and I'll say that I'm really digging it so far. I'm okay with mysteries, and the archive is interesting. I like the world-building, like how the nobles are so used to sniffing their own farts that they didn't even know praying would bring more divine protections.

Edit: And when I mean struggle, I meant with school work, or things she's unfamiliar with beyond the royals.
I think the point of it is that schoolwork isn't the hard part for her, the socializing is.
Fucking YTs
Fucking YTs
That's true enough. I will say I never in a million years expected her to use a gun. I hope it keeps popping up.
Fucking YTs
Fucking YTs
I just got to your Volume 10 spoiler in the book. Maaan, come on. All of that buildup to the action and she's in a goddesses' book room.
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