"Any last words green woman?!"Ceres Fauna

The Virtual Asylum

Imagine not changing your custom title to some cryptic shit :smugpipi:
From @somethingfarworseinthehorizon to @BlueSharkTV :
*I don't think you understand. I don't expect you to. You aren't one of my kind.*
*Don't worry,* 🦈📺. *You're still cool to me. But now, I crown you a himbo.*
Stunned But Dumb
Stunned But Dumb
ok, are these more crystal ball readings from the groomcord or like what, @IonProxy
@Stunned But Dumb by definition a lurker observes and never engages, meaning any sort of communication will make it so you are no longer lurking as you are now engaging with the people around.
@Stunned But Dumb I'm the on-call translator for this timeslot
@BlueSharkTV By that definition, lurkers aren't counted as such if they change pfp, or change title from new Member, as it is a means of communication, ergo False King Bay Lurker had no claims to THE THRONE IN THE FIRST PLACE
Stunned But Dumb
Stunned But Dumb
If thats the case, none of them are lurking since their reactions are engagement. The only lurkers on this forum are the ones who no one knows, then
Stunned But Dumb
Stunned But Dumb
@IonProxy I now understand what makes you qualified to summarize the Pippa thread
@IonProxy yeah that counts, any sort of engagement will make it so you are not lurking, reactions could count too if you think about it, anything that will make you stand out would count in my opinion.
Man this new season of Lurkers™ is getting intense.
@Stunned But Dumb WHAT DOES THAT MEAN ?????
@BlueSharkTV That's a broad definition, as making an account is interacting with Proctor, a user in the forum, as you give him credentials for access, and I'd rather not have the lurker title relegated to only the people with no accounts that use Tor bridges each time they connect, and even then you could make the case for them communicating with the server through that particular node as enough of an indication of communication to disqualify them from it. wtf am I even saying at this point I lost my train of thought.
Stunned But Dumb
Stunned But Dumb
Lurkergate is srs business
From @somethingfarworseinthehorizon to @BlueSharkTV
*That would mean my kind is a myth! I said already. You wouldn't understand. Live my life. Then you will. There is always room where I am. You may then come close to the truth.*
*Why don't we forget today? Your sins, at least. I'll haunt my corner. You may return to chasing Korean women.*
@IonProxy anything after you join counts :annoyedpippa: you make the account, you read the rules, you click whatever the owner tells you, then any engagement after will make it so you are not lurking anymore. :botanheadshake:
Total Lurker Death!!!
Stunned But Dumb
Stunned But Dumb
@IonProxy It doesn't have to mean anything! By the way, do you have an opinion on puzzle pieces and trains?
@Short You were a lurker once! You would betray your kind like this?

Also having to define a lurker is on the level of having to decipher apostrophes. We've delved too deep
Seeing @Bay Lurker actually post something feels dirty

Bay Lurker posting caused everyone to question what it actually means to be a lurker :BijouBijou:
Harrow Prime
Harrow Prime
also Ion she's not gonna fuck you bro
I'm sorry, but someone has to tell you.:BijouBijou:
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